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Oct 31, 2021 06:37 pm
Public post
This content was created for artistic and entertainment purposes FOR ADULTS ONLY and may include pictures and materials that some viewers may find offensive. If you are under the age of 18, if such material offends you or if it is illegal to view such material in your community please exit the page IMMEDIATELY. All depicted characters are fictional. No live victims were produced during this content creation and no harm was imposed upon any live creature. All characters depicted in sexual situations are 18 years of age or older and of the age of consent, even if it looks otherwise. Acts depicted are all consensual.
Update #5: The Updatening
Hello Everyone.
So, work continues, I’m currently about halfway through initial animation of episode 4, there was a little hiccup in production where I was waiting for voice work for the BCD episode, I had some time off work so I decided I’d like to start on Episode 4, got some quick voice work done and now... well, I’m getting pretty far through it and well into ‘the zone’ so this is going to take priority for now.
This is probably going to, in total, be around the length if maybe a little longer than episode 2, 10-15 minutes long, so it’s turning into a pretty massive project. I'm not targeting a timescale, so much as making sure the plot points get down.
I’m also taking my time to make sure the animation is up to scratch, I’ve said before I wasn’t happy with how ep3 came out so, not intending on making the same mistake again.
Kaira Is here to apologise on my behalf for previously poor character animation.
I’m not going to commit to a release date but I would conservatively say the end of November.
I’d mentioned before that I might end up splitting some releases up into story and explicit beats, this would have been an opportunity to do so, however there’s no natural disconnect to separate them into episodes, so when I release this I think I’m just going to say that the action starts at X time and you can skip to that if you please, whether you follow this for the story, the machines, or just good porno there should be something for everyone in this episode.
Whilst upon my soapbox I want to address a few comments I’ve had on male moans, Just going to nip this in the bud: I will never add them, for a few reasons:
One of the primary goals of this animation series is immersion, it’s why there’s no breaks besides loss of consciousness, it’s entirely POV and therefore you should imagine yourself in that position, male moans and breathing would detract from that experience if they’re not in line with your preferred vocalisation.
This would add 10-15 minutes of continuous voice acting to every production, the VA costs involved in producing this long format content are immense already (the total VA budget for ep 4 is $500 on it’s own) 10-15 mins of moans and reactions could easily double this.
I don’t want or care that much about them.
The exception to this would be if the income was so massive from this that the costs of including it were negligible, or someone did a fan dub of some kind that could be released as an alternative version.
On the subject of money, as pointed out, costs are spiralling, I didn’t imagine I wanted the income from this project to be replacing my job, but I started this with the hope of it at least paying for itself, I am currently far behind that target to a dangerous level.
Which I did expect was going to be the case for a while.
Don’t get me wrong, I certainly appreciate the contributions that people are able or willing to make, and I do not want anybody to pledge more than they are capable, however I am going to make some changes going forward to the tiers in the hopes it might prompt some more immediate mitigation of production costs around a release window.
Tier 1 will be considered a tip tier, once the public version of the animation goes live you will get access to the HQ download.
Tier 2 will become the new early access tier, the HQ download 2 weeks earlier than the general public and the tier 1 contributors.
Tier 3 will remain as a voluntary extra money tier for those that feel I’m undervaluing myself.
I will update the category descriptions accordingly soon after this update goes live.
As thanks to my existing contributors who’ve stuck with me this far, once episode 4 goes liveon early access as a special request you can email me for a link to the download early even if you are on the $1 tier as of right now.
This will count for people who are contributors on the $1 tier as of the moment this update goes live.
This is an exception for episode 4 only.
It’s a manual process so please be patient and don’t email me before the release date, I will list my email with the release announcement.
I didn’t really want to end up with, what I’d consider slightly more aggressive monetization techniques, but I didn’t really imagine the costs would get this bad this quickly, it’s give more incentive to make a little more back or basically take 4-5 months between releases, because eventually I’m simply not going to be able to afford it anymore.
To end on a lighter note, once Episode 4 is done I have voice work ready for the BCD episode so this will be next in line and I hope will not have quite as long a production cycle, although I feel like I’m saying that a lot…. I think the reality is, high quality long format content takes a lot of time, it’s always going to be a while between my productions, I hope however that what does come, is worth waiting for.
Kaira is certainly looking forward to it.
"Someone's pleased to see me"
A continued thank you for your support and patience, I look forward to bringing you some more quality content in the near future.
Couple more WIP stills from the anim, I expect I will have some more previews in the future when it gets closer to rendertime, although I'm playing this one pretty close to the chest, you know I like my mystery.
I think something you need to consider is making some shorter, cheaper to produce videos and share them on reddit (I can suggest some subs if need be) and once you've got a decent following you can then increase your budget for voice acting and what not.
It is something I've considered, however. The motivation to complete this very much comes from telling the story and exploring the characters within it. I have to think carefully about standalone episodes that fit within that. If you have some reddits that would be good for sharing on though id be happy to hear them, drop me a message if that's OK
over 3 years ago
Here's a couple of subreddits that could work for you /r/3derotica /r/3dhentai /r/3dporncraft /r/hookeduphentai
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I think something you need to consider is making some shorter, cheaper to produce videos and share them on reddit (I can suggest some subs if need be) and once you've got a decent following you can then increase your budget for voice acting and what not.
It is something I've considered, however. The motivation to complete this very much comes from telling the story and exploring the characters within it. I have to think carefully about standalone episodes that fit within that. If you have some reddits that would be good for sharing on though id be happy to hear them, drop me a message if that's OK
Here's a couple of subreddits that could work for you