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Aug 31, 2021 06:01 pm
Public post
This content was created for artistic and entertainment purposes FOR ADULTS ONLY and may include pictures and materials that some viewers may find offensive. If you are under the age of 18, if such material offends you or if it is illegal to view such material in your community please exit the page IMMEDIATELY. All depicted characters are fictional. No live victims were produced during this content creation and no harm was imposed upon any live creature. All characters depicted in sexual situations are 18 years of age or older and of the age of consent, even if it looks otherwise. Acts depicted are all consensual.
Monthly Update #3
So, I am going to miss my deadline for the end of the month for Episode 3, it's not far off, but there were some complications with the render that meant I had to re-render a significant chunk of the frames.
There was also a large amount of issues to overcome, that, by the time I found out they were an issue it would have cost me a couple weeks to have gone back and properly fix it, so I used some workarounds that themselves caused a bunch more issues to fix.
Also the file would just flat out not render with the fluid sim I spent days baking, Whether I'm just not going to include it or try something else in place I haven't yet decided honestly, it's one of those almost inconsequentially minor details.
It's more things learned for the future, Nevertheless, I'm not entirely comfortable with 2 updates passing without any mainline content, I like to think I give my supporters value, and whilst I feel like I'm pretty upfront about timescales and the purpose of this page, I don't like to keep people waiting that long if I can help it.
With that said, I thought this month I'd take some time to explain some of my motivations for producing this series.
A few people have asked me when I might introduce females to the series. Or perhaps more specifically, whether I'd strap them down and do naughty things to them with machines, artificial insemination, or perhaps just being stimulated.
There are several female characters that will appear across the season, mainly though they exist mainly to drive the plot, use machinery, or sometimes get involved in a more personal level.
But mainly they revolve around the core plot and exist in a bubble around our perspective, because when I started on this project, I had one concept I wanted to explore, to explain the psychology around it:
Men are unusually put under a degree of pressure when it comes to sex, make sure you get hard and stay hard through the entire engagement. Cum, but not too early, and not too late, think about and track your arousal and ensure your partner feels comfortable at the same time, it's fun as fuck(literally), but it is pressure.
Ergo, we take away the pressure to perform, we take away the ability to even move, we coolly and calmly explain exactly what is going to happen and with mechanical precision it is performed, as it has been so many times before, to ensure a perfectly reliable result; pleasure and inevitable climax is assured, and it will happen on a predetermined, perfectly controlled timetable, the only expectation placed on the participant is to allow the inevitable.
And it had to be -mostly- consensual, I play with that a little bit in some scenes, as you will all see, but by and large, people know what they're signing up for.
And so I set out to create this series, originally planned to just be one or two episodes with a few different techniques and tools. When I (with help from a friend) got the idea of how to expand the universe, I thought about, if this world existed, what would it be like living in it? If this corporation has literally designed an AI to extract semen, it must be a pretty valuable commodity right? What would that world look like? What would that corporation's rivals look like?
And so an arc was born, introducing several characters, engagements and transitions to tell a story along with our mechanically insistent pleasure.
An arc that, at least initially, didn’t have ‘room’ for the female side of things, besides them existing, seemingly in abundance, to run operations, the entire story was designed to be told in a first person perspective from our subjects eyes, in what situation would he come across a female being artificially inseminated? Or made to orgasm? What purpose would that serve? How would that further and expand the story?
At the same time though... it would be really fun to watch wouldn’t it?
Now if I’m going to subject a female to this, it’s going to be on the same terms, to break down those walls of anxiety, to relieve them of control and focus on their enjoyment and pleasure, to assuredly insist upon them an irresistible wall of stimulation, consensually.
So, did you know that tentacle porn is actually pretty popular with women? Mechanical tentacles though, it is me we're talking about here.
It’s a way to have an ‘orgy’ like experience without the negative connotations attached, to feel used, dominated and controlled without society’s expectations weighing on ones conscience, to not feel judged or criticised, to just enjoy an experience that one couldn’t otherwise.
And of course, the removal of the anxiety of the experience of their partner is, if anything, much more prevalent in females. Think of how annoyingly common it is to hear stories of women not having orgasms with their partner, that’s not very fair is it?
So, at some point, I intend on exploring a little side animation just for fun that shows someone enjoying an employee relaxation centre behind closed doors at the Orogenix staff area.
Featuring comfortable massage chairs.
Yup, a totally normal massage chair.
That will massage and de-stress every inch, delicately and deliberately.
Yeah that's Sana
Paying particular attention to specific areas. I spent like, a month tweaking and working with her. With expert precision. You cant spend that long working with a model. Until they’ve adequately released any pent up stress.
Without wanting to see her in some compromised positions.
Because employee satisfaction is of paramount importance.
Well, I think she's a cutie anyway.
I don’t know when it’s going to go out, or how many more of these ‘behind closed doors’ scenes I might explore in the future, My motivations to pursue them are conflicted, because I really do want to further the plot, there’s some seriously fun plot points coming up that I'm excited to get around to, but some of them run so long in the production timescale it takes a lot of energy to complete, so having some fun side projects would be good I think.
It’s difficult not to want to include things in your world once you create it though, not least because it helps with the assets. So these offshoots, whilst they can be considered canon, are not part of the central story. Unless season 2 or 3 has some organic opportunities to introduce them.
I see this as a fun way to explore some other ideas and expand the appeal of the universe whilst staying on track.
Although you’ll find there are some in-betweens that will occur between machine and human coming up, and I'm super excited to show you all it.
Once again, a sincere thank you for the support from my subscribers, if you're not already, consider giving me some money, you get things in higher quality and you get to tell everyone how much of a badass you are.
Disclaimer: Those shots are made specifically as promo, they may, or may not, exist in the final animation, they're very likely to look a bit different because these are rendered in Cycles not Eevee and there's no way I've got the time to render an Anim of my usual length in Cycles. Typical anims for me are between 20-30K frames, 11-17 mins @ 30fps, even on a 3090 assuming 2 minutes per frame, which is optimistic, that's 35 continuous days of render time, Eevee render times are usually between 7-15 seconds per frame so, big difference.
And I did look into a render farm, the cost of putting one of my animations through one was in the realms of the eyewatering, talking £3-5000 for one animation, I ain't Scuddbutt, I can't afford that yet.
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Would some adding some nipple and navel teasing be possible?
As many erogenous zones as I can think to hit!
How about adding a cleaning machine that cleans on nook and cranny on girls body
I love to see her feet... I love to her toes curl when she moans and moans with Delight !
Ok dude I get it you like feet. No need to write that comment on every single post. It's not going to change whether I do it or not.
Finally !
Ok dude I get it you like feet. No need to write that comment on every single post. It's not going to change whether I do it or not. Thanks Maximus.