Inheritance A29a Public Build
New public build is live for anyone who is interested!
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What's new in the latest Free Build?
* Wrote and added a new scene for Misaki in the Master Bedroom during work hours. Available for all but very low relationship stats. Misaki Interactive Scene 8. 1.7k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new scene for Eve at middling or higher relationship in the kitchens during daylight hours. Eve Interactive Scene 21. 1.1k words of content.
* Wrote and added a new scene involving both Misaki and Mitsuko. Takes place in the evenings in the kitchens. 3.4k words of content. Sponsored by Matty.
* Wrote and added one new Missionary sex scene variant for Anna. Eve makes a guest appearance. .4k words of content.
* Wrote and added one small scene for Misaki and Mitsuko that takes place late in the evening in the Living Room. .3k words of content.
* Wrote and added two new Hide and Seek scenes for Eve to the game. .7k words of content between them.
* Wrote and added a new scene for Bubbles in the gym during waking hours. .5k words of content.
* Wrote and added five small scenes to Pendleton related to the Heritage Festival. .4k words of content.
* Five new small scenes added to Main Street in Pendleton.
* Three new small scenes in East Street in Pendleton.
* Three new small scenes in Mid Main in Pendleton.
* Three new small scenes in North Main in Pendleton.
* Three new small scenes in South Main in Pendleton.
* Three new small scenes in West Street in Pendleton.
* Added the Maki/Bubbles commentary to the third installment of the Wanton Cove Documentary. This appears when Maki and Bubbles are visiting and the scene plays out. .8k words of content.This is a collaborative effort between myself and LFN Park.
* Wrote and added the fourth and final installment in the Wanton Cove documentary series on the television. 2.3k words of content. This is a collaborative between myself and LFN Park.
* Added a new scene for Anna and Bubbles in the ball room during work hours. Submitted Anna Bubbles Ineractive 1. .5k words of content submitted by LFN Park.
* Added a scene for Gaia to the forest late in the evening. Submitted Gaia 1. 4.4k words of content submitted by Asura.
* Added a scene for Rey at the pool during work hours. Submitted Rey Grounds 2. 1.4k words of content submitted by Ser Laz.
* Added a scene for Rey at the Kennels during work hours. Submitted Rey Grounds 3. 2.7k words of content submitted by Ser Laz.
* Added a scene for Rey in mist non-hallway locations in the mansion. Submitted Rey Mansion 3. 1.2k words of content submitted by Ser Laz.
* Added a scene for Rey in the N/S hallways in the mansion during work hours. Submitted Rey Mansion 4. 3.3k words of content submitted by Ser Laz.
* Added a scene for Rey to the Attic in the Mansion during waking hours. Submitted Rey Mansion 5. 3.4k words of content submitted by Ser Laz.
* Reworked some code in Rey's intro to hopefully catch the bug that's been hanging up the later scenes.
* Fixed a bit of incorrect code that was hanging up a couple of the Maki/Bubbles scenes.
* Added five new images to Wet Willy's Titty Trap and extended the hours it is open.
* Added three new images to West Street in Pendleton.
* Added one new image to Needle Point Tattoo and Piercing in Pendleton.
* Added one new image to Isawu Cumming's Occult Shop in Pendleton.
* Updated the Special Thanks area 6/07/19. If you think you belong on this list but your name isn't there, please let me know so I can get it fixed.