Alchimia Development Post #10

Welcome everyone to our latest development post (now with two digits ✨).

Dialogues textbox customization

You can now customize the transparency and the style of the textbox used for dialogues.

This feature has been requested from one of our community members and we gladly implemented it.

You can see a video of it here.


We've updated the look of the image used when finding the recipe book for the first time.

The market alley is starting to get some love too.

We are also going to post a small sneak peek for our subscribers after this post. 😉

Save naming

Another feature that has been requested is the ability to choose a name when creating a new save.

The functionality has been implemented, but the UI/UX has not yet been finalized.

Player bedroom shortcut button

A new button has been added that will allow you to quickly return to your bedroom.


We are adding new sounds for some of the UI interactions (opening the map, buying an item, etc...)

Performance options

There's still an unresolved issue regarding performance.

We have yet to pinpoint the root cause of this, but in the meanwhile we have added the option (in the preferences menu) to disable non-essential interactable elements as to hopefully help improve the performance a bit.