Special delivery II - Episode 3

Oh my god sorry yes its' late, it's 5am here, pulled an all nighter. I had to redo a few scenes with clipping in them, and I had some hard choices to make with the narration - like completely binning any reference to Jenna's new figure, because half the damn dialogue was "how are you so thicc now?! why are you so thicc? - when are you so thicc? and so on.. just assume the containment team did something. 
Plus 76 pages is a *lot* to narrate in Photoshop when you have dyslexia, I know there's gonna be a typo somewhere. Really need to allow 2 days for narration in future.

Without further ado. You can Read it here >>

Read it here

Maybe some of you are expecting faster... development? but please renember special delivery 1 was a slow burn too, barely any bump at all in part 1 - Also this one isn't a 3 part story, more like 5 or 6 - so it's about to kick off. Stay tuned. next episode Jenna goes pop. Something freaky will happen to Dylan. and the Containment Team returns, determined to put a stop to all this sort of thing.