Update and Sketchbook 14/6/21

I'm working on The next episode of Jenna's story, my goal is next Monday or Tuesday, my habit of getting inspiration and ideas for scenes while working means that might probably go over by a day or two but it means in a longer episode with more content. There's no problems this week, just full steam ahead.

What other stuff have I been making in the workshop - apart from the monthly TOI? 
Sketches, making props, creating lots of expressions as presets to use later, and 3d sculpting those shapes you like so much - If I can anticipate reusable resources I'll often need it speeds workflow. I do wish I had my own props department that I could call and ask for them to make me a condom prop, or a shirt that tears down the navel.

Got through and updated about 50 expression presets so Sunday was a particularly industrial workshopy, might not have been interesting on the stream but I'll post a few to show what i mean by expression presets, big time-saver once you've built a library of them- so well worth the investment.