Roadmap for Future Work

Honk honk dear readers,

I consider making several changes.

Current state of IHSM

The story is currently in a first introductory arc. It is divided in roughly three acts

  • Setting up chapter 1-9
  • Battles introducing abilities chapter 10-25
  • Last crisis chapter 25-now

This arc should end roughly around chapter 35

The story should be at a good state within 50k words with Slade available to have smut with the girls.

What is planned after the introductory arc

This story will be in a hiatus. I will regularly release NSFW drawings to enrich the smut scenes and keep you updated.

During this time, I will fulfill several objectives:

  • Building up a backlog to around 24 chapters for subscribers and have an easier time refining and foreshadowing properly.
  • Write a SFW version of the story. The NSFW is still the canon, while the SFW will be an absurd adaptation. I will make small adjustment in story telling.
  • Making promotional art. I've always wanted to bait SethTzeentch's reddit into reading HoMM inspired fiction. But I want to make a SFW version for everyone.
  • I'll spread to other platform like Patreon with the SFW version and post on Hentai-foundry.

During the hiatus, every subscribers will be prolonged for free. You will have access to all my SFW chapters before they are released to the public.

Thank you for your support!
