Alchimia Development Post #9

Hello everyone, welcome to a new development post.

Character poll winner

Given the poll results, we'll start working on the goth archeologist next.

We already have great plans for her!

Elys' corset outfit

After having reached a certain point in her carnal path, Elys will now start wearing her new outfit to work.

Improved menu choices

We've made it possible to show dialogue choices even when their required conditions aren't met.

This, together with the accompanying tooltip, should make it easier to know what to do next to progress with characters.

Not every unavailable option will be shown, just the main ones.

We still want to have a few surprises here and there. 😉


The market has been added as an explorable location.

It can be accessed through the plaza.

Multiple notifications

Previously, when two notifications were sent at the same time, only the second one would be shown.

Now sending multiple notifications gets handled correctly (and each notification has a nice animation too).

Here's a video showing how they look.

Potion value increased

The value of the potions you can craft has been increased, making them a viable way of earning coins.

Scott's portrait

We've added a portrait for Scott.

Updated Myrynda's cooking event images

We've updated the look of Myrynda in the images used in her cooking events.

Here's a link to the image, in case the one above is too small.

Updated Myrynda's portrait

We've also changed Myrynda's portrait.

Let us know if you like the new look.