Weekly Progress 07-03-2021

Copy/paste of this Patreon post

Hello! I originally planned to release the new version today, but while I was implementing a new questline for Dianna, I noticed that the quest system is still missing a crucial feature: Support for quests with multiple steps. Also creating and managing quests in GML was quickly becoming a hurdle, so I wanted to switch to JSON format sooner or later. After I imported the quests system into JSON format, I revised my existing functions to make them compatible with the new format. Everything is working fine so far, I just need to adjust some GUI functions and make some tests and I should be able to continue to add new quests. After adding a new map, creatures, quests and scenes, I’ll start playtesting and then I’ll release. ShySeel and I are working away from our homes, but we plan on going back home this friday and hopefully get some rest and release the update. I also wanted to squeeze some GUI improvements this update, but GUI is probably the Gamemaker’s weakest point, it's an extremely tedious and annoying process(this is probably my way of saying ‘I couldn’t do it because I suck’). I probably won’t be able to add it in the upcoming update.
We are adding portraits to dialogues with this update.
 Hey there, It’s Shyseel. I’ve been working on the tents this past week and I really enjoyed the process so far! I really couldn't stand the old assets and the size of the map so I made it so it will fit the screen even though it's bigger on the inside. I want to give them all this cool stuff but i try to keep in mind that it has to be ready to move in some way. This has been a struggle since the group are nomads but they also require a lot of equipment. I guess it's best not to get caught up in the details and draw it however I like. I really enjoy tribal aesthetics with patterns, masks and leather so I will try to incorporate that into their tent interiors.
 Hi, this is Kaan aka Skulldrinker, I’ve been recently discussing the soundscape of Kingdom Lost with Psycho-Male, and we are trying to achieve a level of music&sound quality so that your immersion would be enhanced throughout your gameplay.
I am also reworking on my sound effects. I am quite satisfied with the recently changed ones, they are mostly single sound effects for interactables such as looting, inventory and trade, the biggest challenge on the sound would be dealing with the combat sfx, because there are a lot of things to consider, weapon type, enemy etc. But since I reorganized my sound effects library, It will be less time consuming to achieve our goal with sound.
On the music side of things, I also plan to improve the production of the current tracks
with better mixing and mastering, and of course better orchestration techniques.