Alchimia Development Post #8

Hello everyone. 👋

Welcome to a brand-new development post.

We're nearing the release of the next update: we don't want to give any date, but it should be pretty soon!

Here's some of the things we've been working on.


A phone has been added to your bedroom allowing you to contact a fortune-teller.

You can ask her for hints on how to progress with certain characters, if you ever get stuck.

We had originally planned her to come later on, but we saw more players getting lost than expected, so we changed our plans.

Recipe book illustrations

Illustrations have been added to the recipe book.

Once the update gets released, we recommend you to check them out, some are pretty eye catching. 😶

Changeable font

An option to change fonts has appeared in the preferences menu.

This wasn't something we had originally planned ourselves, but came as a request by one of our players.

Here's some in-game screenshots with the alternative font selected:

Myrynda's bathroom

The bathroom in Myrynda's house is now accessible.

It can be entered from the hallway through the last door to the left.

Shop catalogue

Each day, the shop's inventory refreshes, making some items available and some not.

This could lead a player to believe that a certain item is not sold at the shop, while in reality it is.

To address this possible scenario, we've added the ability to view the shop's catalogue:

This way you can check if an item is sold at a certain shop or not.