Just a Devious World release this month, gang, no Mundanity. I did get at least a little closer to back to form this month, though as said in the earlier post, since I'm still having trouble finding motivation and focus, I'm going to be extending the incrementals for $1 and up through this month as well. More on that after the update detes:
  • Main: Jamie's mom can now suggest he go to Camp Cross after waking up as an incubus.
  • Main:: Jamie can mutter vaguely after bumping into Gideon.
  • Main: Jamie can follow Kevin's suggestion that they go downtown.
  • Main: Eric can now use the basic aphrodisiac on Ranma.
  • Main: Jamie can now say he wants to be even girlier for Will.
  • Main: Space bounty hunter Cyan can now follow the craft identified as a Reaping One contact. (Yeah I know I misspelled it in the update list, I'll fix it later.)
  • Main: Monk Cyan can now give in to the lust caused by Aerienne's fireball.
  • Main: Jamie can now tell the incubus that for his wish, he wants to be like the incubus.
  • Main: All options are now available when Jamie and Will are discussing Will's sexual prowess.
  • Main: When playing with the magic book, Jamie can suggest the section on altering society.
Some of these are short and don't go much of anywhere, admittedly, but some do have some fun new characters and blatant lewdness attached, so hopefully everyone enjoys.
File is here or here.
So yeah I did wanna also talk about why I'm having trouble getting as much out as I'd settled into for awhile, and it comes down to two factors. 
The first is that I spent a couple of months in some level or another of hyperfixation over writing. For those of you who aren't aware, for those with ADHD, hyperfixation is sort of the opposite of not really being able to focus on anything... you wind up focusing on one particular thing to the exclusion of everything else, and your brain doesn't want to give you a rest. So the progression on that basically went from focusing on the games in general, to focusing on Kai's Epic of Remnant storyline, to focusing on the prose version of the Epic of Remnant storyline. There were a lot of sleepless nights, a lot of furious typing, and by the end of it I think I've just hit some serious burnout. My brain's smoking a little in the wake of it.
The second is that I recently took a look, and the first Twine file for Devious World is almost exactly seven years old this month. The game as a whole (born out of another bout of hyperfixation) is probably a little older, having started in a previous program, but at least seven years, and quite a lot of those years spent working on it as my sole craft. Now don't get alarmed, I'm not saying I'm actually tired of it or going to ditch it, just... lately, if I wake up and find myself trying to force my brain to figure out what perviness to write today, I wind up feeling a little depressed and unable to make myself do it.
So while I'm not going to ditch the games at all, I will say that I'm just going to be plugging ahead at probably about the same pace as this release until either my head gets back in the right place or something else. Hopefully this month will be better too, because for current events this one was yikes, and more than a few days were lost to me banging my head on the desk at shit people said on social media rather than being able to write, and that's all I'm going to say on that or that I want said on that here. I'll do my best to keep you guys updated and be transparent about any changes or whatnot.