1.11 Week 3: Good news/bad news

I have good and bad news this week. Which do you want first?
The Good News
- WRITING.  I wanted to finish the storyboards for the university section this week, and this was achieved on Wednesday. We’ve now started coding these scenes into the game, and I’m really excited about some cool changes we’re making to this section based on player feedback. More detail on this Soon™.
ARTWORK.  Victoria has finished designing how the new avatar emotions will look and work, and is now creating the artwork. They look greta, here’s a sneak peek:

The bad news
We’re running behind on the avatar expressions: they’re not all drawn yet, and we still need to process them into the game, then code them into the relevant scenes. 
We're unlikely to get all this done by next Sunday – I think the 1.11 release (with the new expressions) is likely to happen some time in February.
I'm sorry to announce a delay: this task is just taking longer than we thought it would. We’ll work hard, and I’ll give you an update on exactly where we’re at next week.