So I went ahead with the ghost / Mesh / Emissive light tutorial. If you like to hear me ramble on about the difference between a ghost light or emissive surface go ahead and watch :)

Have spent the last week putting the finishing touches to the Jacob story, it's title is "A Woof in the Night" I'm sure from this title you can gauge that it's intended as a very light hearted story.

The poll for the Feb render is still active, as of right now Cassie and Louise are winning, but that may change.

If there is a topic you would like me to cover in forthcoming videos, or perhaps a scene you would like to see me make (via time-lapse) feel free to comment, or DM me on discord.

Speaking of discord, it's become quite busy recently. its open to all so if your not yet a member, here's the link:

Till next week.
