Scylla's Cushion P1

Tiny OC Amy belongs to Film Exorcist
Large OC belongs to me

Scylla has basically lost track of time, being an immortal dragon meant she had all the time in the world to do whatever she wanted.

The world was her oyster for the taking! Until... she found games... then porn... then porn games. She now spends most of her time locked in her room- only getting up for deliveries, the bathroom or part time work when rent was absolutely needed.

One job was to seek out a group of tinies that were summoned by mistake. She cleared up most of them, met her quota and went home- not noticing a tiny Amy desperately trying to get her attention.

Pants, off. Takeaway, check. Clear schedule for the next week, check. 

Jamming food in her mouth, the sweaty neet finally went back to her desk- ready to sit down and be as gross as she would like. Not noticing or caring about the tiny that followed her in- currently climbing onto her chair to get closer to the desk.

It wasn't long before Amy realised her mistake. Her heart jumped into her throat as a looming shadow was cast over her... Scylla was ready to start her week of perverseness.

-Fart version included below along with none fart :)-