World's Worst Sith Master, Chapter 4
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I was mostly running on autopilot when I went back to the training arena. I hadn't gone looking for Errai, and she didn't approach me again in the immediate aftermath. Whether that was to manipulate me by letting me stir in guilt or get thirsty, or simply to get away, I couldn't really know. I'd occasionally remember the feeling of her throat in my hands, and get an erection as a consequence. I didn't go find her to relieve it, I'd just handle it in my bunk back on the Solace and Refuge. Part of me was really glad I no longer had to sleep in the recruits' barracks.

I had just gotten done throwing myself against one of the training droids when Xig saw me. He started to chitter excitedly at the sight of me, and all I caught was frantic statements of "Soleil! Soleil!" mixed in with somewhat panicked giddiness. Presumably he was happy to see me and had thought something had happened to me.

"I still can't understand you that well, Xig," I told him, and he clicked his mouth-parts in acknowledgement, hurriedly taking out a datapad and starting to type.

{You are alive! I was worried after hearing that you had been carried off by Darth Rakali!}

Being so variant from a human, Xig's emotions came through my empathic sense lightly and slightly warped, like seeing something lurking under the surface of water, but it was easy to tell that he was glad to see me again. That, combined with his words, made it impossible not to laugh. It was more out of a sense of relief than anything funny. The alien chittered in confusion, but I just waved him off. "It's fine. Thank you for your concern. I'm happy to have a fr- ally of convenience," I said. I wanted to hug him, honestly, but xinderan aren't really huggers.

{What happened? There are all sorts of rumors going around, such as that Darth Rakali came to kill you for claiming to be her apprentice!}

Just hearing that gave me a bit of a headache. Did nobody believe literally anything I said? "No, she came to pick me up, since I was her apprentice," I explained. "I still am, in fact."

Xig gave me a long, silent look, his mouth parts quietly working as he thought about what I had said. I could hear his clicking - more a mutter than anything else - but I couldn't make out a single recognizable sound. After ten, fifteen seconds, he tapped out again. {You're really Darth Rakali's apprentice?}


{Are you alright?} I snorted at that, and he hurriedly typed. {I mean in general! You seem off, I think, but human emotions are hard to read. Your mouth parts don't move much.}

I didn't know if he meant human mouth parts in general, or mine in particular, but my hand went to my mouth on automatic to check it. My expression, I'm sure, was empty and dull. Xig had noticed that and tried to check on me; Errai had noticed and tried to start manipulating me. Even through the thick fog that interspecies empathy created, I could tell that he was genuinely concerned my health and well being, one carapaced hand reaching out gently for my head, patting my cheek with a rather doting gentility. "I'm… alive."

{So is everyone else here.} He countered. {Are you well? Emotionally?}

On instinct, I said, "I'm fine," in the most easy, stupid way possible. Zeltrons don't even repress our emotions nearly so much as humans do - we just express them freely, come what may. At least, that was the way I was raised, yet here I was, reflexively covering them up. "No. I… I watched Darth Rakali kill a woman. One who had been nothing but nice to me. It wasn't because of anything I had done, but… it feels like it was."

He nodded, mouth parts clacking and shifting as he considered in a muttering tone of voice. {Tell me about it.}

I took him into one of the unused training arenas before I just went into it, telling him the entire story. Going to another planet, meeting Inessa. I kind of skimmed over the sex because the way his mandibles moved suggested he was barely avoiding puking in response to hearing about the fact that it had happened, much less the actual specifics. I told him about what had happened at Inessa's office, and he nodded along, seeming completely understanding, hand going to my shoulder, then pulling back so he could type.

{What happened was not your fault. Darth Rakali kills whoever she feels like. That is her job. Do not feel guilty.}

I sagged slightly, nodding dumbly. I knew it was true even before he'd said anything, but I couldn't quite manage to get myself to accept it. It had to be my fault, somehow, that these things kept happening, that I kept losing the people who got close to me. But Xig was still here, wasn't he? I hadn't known him very long at all, but his presence did help to ground me. "Thanks. You're probably right. Want to practice?"

I reached for my practice saber, and his mouth parts clattered - I knew enough of his language to know it was an affirmative response, if the fact that he was grabbing his own training saber wasn't enough to tell me that. I lost myself in the moment, the perfect whirlwind of violence, the dance of sabers.

I tried to ignore the fact that that was the way that Darth Rakali taught me to think about it.

* * *

Four days later, I was in the training arena, practicing against one of the combat droids, when the door to my particular cell opened up. Alhenas stood there, with a combat droid of his own. I expected him to realize the room was occupied and leave us be. Instead, there was barely a fraction of a second of mental calculation, and then - "Droid. My compatriot here wishes to practice two on one."

"What? No I don't," I said quickly, but the droid seemed to completely ignore me, its own beatstick coming out. I could barely manage to dodge and weave the one droid - when a second came into things, I started having to properly block and parry, each such strike making me ache and step another foot backwards, and another, my body twisting in response to the sheer force they both brought to bear. Even with my training, I could barely manage to keep up a defense, and that defense hurt, an aching agony with each progressive swipe of their weapons against my training saber.

"I heard about what you did with Errai," he said, his hand on his own training saber, just coldly watching me desperately defend myself. I did feel a rather sharp pang of remorse, now that I was reminded that he actually did have a very understandable reason to want to see the shit kicked out of me - not that it reduced the ache and pains that came with each strike the combat droids brought down. "This is why near humans shouldn't be allowed to become Sith. They start to get ideas about what they can do to us."

Obviously, in retrospect, it was absolutely idiotic to argue that Sith shouldn't hurt other Sith, given that the entire religion amounts to "do whatever you want." At the time, though, I was so focused on defending myself from the frantic, unending attacks of the combat droids that I didn't have much ability to talk. When I did talk, it was to plead with the droids to stop attacking me. "Stop! Please!"

"You are not done. You must complete the program," one of them said, earning a cruel laugh from Alhenas. I remembered how my fight had ended last time I'd been unable to end it prematurely, and decided to try that way - putting my body in the way of one of its more haphazard and weak blows, intentionally falling away from the strike so I hit the ground. It hurt, but not as bad as it had the first time. "Training program complete. You are free to go. I can provide training information in the unlikely event that your future Master wishes to have it."

I wasn't even sure if it was the same one for both lines - the damn things all sounded the same, and the arena chamber seemed to echo. Of course, once I was done with the fight, Alhenas spoke. "That will be all, leave us," he said, before I could come up with the idea of ordering the droid to attack him instead. He loomed over me as I lay on the ground. I got myself halfway to my feet - I was seated, but my soles were against the ground as well as my ass - while pretending to be in pain even doing that. Even if he had understandable reasons to beat the crap out of me, I wanted every advantage I could get. "I cannot imagine you're enjoying yourself right now."

I looked up at him, feeling exhausted. I could feel his emotions, and at this distance, and in this situation, they hit me like a wave. Indignation blotted over with rage. Jealousy mixed into that dangerous soup. Sympathetic pain, the sort that one gets from seeing someone one cares for suffer. Loathing. It was all negative, potent, furious. The highest emotion present was probably the desire for vengeance - everything else was lower, more brutal or cruel or selfish in one way or another.

"So. You're a Zeltron, apparently. Is that how you seduced her? With your pheromones?" He sneered the words out.

I just stared up at him in silence, holding my side where I'd been hit, exaggerating the pain of the injury as best I could. Despite what some might suggest, Zeltron's pheromones just make us 'pop', give us that little extra something that made us more attractive. It's no different from the results of careful makeup use, well-cared for skin, or similar things. As he started to raise his saber in response to my silence, I spoke, buying just that little bit more time for the ache to subside. "I didn't seduce her. She seduced me."

It was the truth. It produced only a snarl, his emotions blooming, not with indignation that I was lying to him, but with jealousy that I had somehow gotten Errai to come after me. I drew up my training saber with a practiced speed and alacrity, blocking his wild strike. He put so much force in it that I was shoved several feet to one side, my body almost thudding to the ground. I just barely managed to force myself to my feet, pushing away the pain, focusing on the fight. He kept himself between me and the door, keeping me from escaping. "Errai would never try to seduce you. You're just a little boy."

His words didn't have the bite of someone who believed firmly they were telling the truth, which was lucky for me, since he wasn't. In a fight, with an injury, against someone bigger than me - I hadn't really seen Alhenas fight, before. Not properly. He seemed more together than Errai, so he might also be a better duelist. I drew my saber, ready to defend myself, but I wanted to convince him to back down instead, my thoughts roaming through his motives, his own feelings. He wanted to humiliate me, to punish me, for what I'd done to Errai. Could I talk him down? Convince him that she would be angry about this when she found out? Probably not. Sith loved infighting. He brought another wild swing down on me, and I narrowly forced it off to the side. He gave a kick of his own at that point, but I dodged backwards out of his way, the wall getting closer to me, increasingly denying me room to maneuver.

Yeah, he knew the basics of combat, even if his anger was currently overpowering his sense. I doubted I could win a war of attrition like this. "I'll help you seduce Errai yourself," I said, desperately grasping for anything I could use to get him to back down. He paused momentarily, squinting down at me, considering the question. Curiosity bubbled up from inside him, and the grasping feeling of ambition. That meant he did have romantic interest in her, not that I really doubted that. "I can-"

"I don't believe you," he said, whipping his sword out in a lightning fast move that managed to get under my guard. It sent me to one side as I gasped in pain. He was focusing on the spot where I'd previously been injured. "Not about your capacity to help me seduce Errai, nor about your intent. You only want to scurry away and hide. I am here to punish you for your grotesque behavior towards h-"

I managed to get an attack in as he monologued, slipping under his guard to slam into his sternum. He went wobbling backwards, barely staying upright, and I took the chance, bolting for the door. He wanted the fight; I didn't, so there was no reason to stick around and keep it going. As I passed him, he swung his saber at my feet, but I leapt over the weapon and got out of the room, rushing out, headed directly for the Solace and Refuge. He gave chase for a bit, but only a bit - maybe ten seconds into the halls before he gave up. I kept running anyway, just in case he changed his mind.

* * *

I avoided being alone after that point. I'd find Xig before I did anything else, practice with him rather than the combat droids. I needed to learn to fight, and Alhenas's behavior had reinforced that the combat droids were unreliable tin cans with programming from some stupid Sith sadist. I didn't see Errai for the remainder of that stay at the Sith temple. Sometimes Darth Rakali would come back to the ship, simply dragging me into a room to train with brutal intensity.

She offered only the quiet comment that she was glad I was staying at the ship again, because it made training me easier. She didn't sleep there, so I didn't get the chance to kill her in said sleep. I might have done it, at that point, all the weird feelings that came from her killing Inessa and everything that followed after it serving to mess with my head. I didn't get the chance, though. Not until weeks after we'd returned to Korriban, after long enough for me to thoroughly digest the feelings and start controlling them rather than acting out.

"We are going on another mission," she told me, succinctly, as she boarded the Solace and Refuge one day. That was all the warning I got before she closed the hatch and started up the sequence to fly the vessel. "My target isn't a woman, so there won't be a repeat of the previous incident," she explained, as our ship gently rose from the surface of Korriban.

Was that some kind of trick? Some bizarre show of maternal affection? "I don't plan on wandering around the planet again," I told her. It was the truth, anyway.

She simply hummed in response, as if quietly considering that statement. She didn't say anything else on the subject for the rest of the journey.

* * *

"Come with me," Darth Rakali said, when we finally arrived on the planet. She didn't bother to glance my way, to ensure I would follow her - I just did it on automatic, knowing the price of disobedience.

The planet we were on was another grotesque cityscape - I first took it in after I was drawn out of the ship itself, seeing the glittering neon colors of its spiraling, multifaceted towers, looking almost crystalline in its architecture. We took a speeder to our destination in silence - other than the hiss of the wind - the colors of the skyline mixing and twisting together from the speed we moved at. When we arrived at our destination, Darth Rakali spoke. "Since you don't wish to explore the planet, you will be staying with the woman here."

"The woman here?" I asked. The question made my brain briefly stutter in confusion, as she simply clicked some buttons, an elevator arriving in front of us. I was going to have a babysitter? No, wait - "You aren't going to kill her, are you?"

"I have no intention of doing so. I suppose if she does something to impede my mission, I might, but I doubt she would." She stepped into the elevator, and I followed after her.

* * *

We were welcomed into an apartment not by a person, but simply by a mechanical hiss as the doors jutted open. Darth Rakali strode inside with confidence, despite the fact that the only sound coming from within was the electric hum of holoscreens and computers.

"You too, kid," came a female voice from inside, and I automatically stepped inside. Wiring crossed across the floor like a tangled mess, vines stretching across an urban terrarium. Various screens showed various things - raw data, text documents, photographs, videos, and more besides. Towering computer blocks with exposed guts sat freely against walls; chairs floated above the unsteady ground that seemed to try to trip you as you walked inside. Darth Rakali stomped forward with confidence, soon finding her destination. I followed shortly after her.

It was the woman we were presumably here to meet - a cyborg, with her left arm replaced by a prosthetic from shortly below the shoulder, her right leg from above the knee, and a visible star-shaped scar on her chest. She wore a sports bra and sweat pants, her dark hair done up in a pigtail, and wore a casual smile as she spun in her seat. For all the mess that her home may have been in, her body itself was well-taken care of, clearly regularly exercising by the tone of her stomach. "Darth Rakali," she said, with a small bow. "The kid's your apprentice, yeah?"

"You will be watching over him as I do my mission. If you fail to keep him safe, I will hunt you down and kill you."

"Got it. Kid, don't leave the apartment, alright?" She reached for a bar on her desk, chomping down on it, before just tossing a small device - smaller than the joint of my thumb - to Darth Rakali. "I can keep you informed with that." She grabbed up a belt that was clearly one great single electronic device. "This'll let you get through their defenses. And this," another small device, this one about the size and general dimensions of my pinky, a blocky grey thing, "well, you can guess." She tossed it underhand, and Darth Rakali caught it and placed it in her baggage.

"Do whatever you want while you are here, Soleil," Darth Rakali said to me, as she collected the belt. "But do not leave, or I will treat you as if you were trying to escape." I swallowed and nodded silently - that was the last thing Darth Rakali said before leaving me there.

The woman watched Darth Rakali leave with a certain placid exhaustion, as if she did this every day. Then she swiveled her chair around, her gaze falling directly on me. "Hi, kid, I'm Linea. What's your name?"


"Nice to meet you, Soleil." She glanced at her computer for just a moment, then back at me. "So… gonna take a while before she needs me for anything. Honestly it's pretty much all automatic even when she will," she added, fingers gliding across her keyboard to click a couple buttons. "Want to play some video games? It'll ping me if your Master needs me."

I hesitated, and she just patted her lap, inviting me up into it. My gaze fell on her mechanical leg.

"It's a prosthetic," she explained. "It's pretty cool, want to see how it works?" She stretched it out. "I can take it on and off - well, most of it, anyway. I've got a few other bits I use for other occasions." I was getting nothing but a warm, maternal vibe from her, trying her best to give me something to do, and having a surprisingly decent amount of talent with children, given she clearly had none of her own. Eventually, she wound up helping me play a simple puzzle game on her computer, letting me sit in her lap as I enjoyed myself. I lost myself playing it, and she'd just occasionally offer a bit of advice, or tousle my hair, or otherwise show these tiny little acts of human affection.

I expected Darth Rakali to return before too long - instead, she still wasn't back by the time night fell. It wasn't easy to tell it had fallen, either, given the way that the lights radiated into the room, like a half-dozen electric suns that never went out. Only my physical exhaustion clued me into how late it was getting. When I yawned for the second time, she reached out to pause the game. "Gettin' tired, kid? I'm afraid I've only got the one bed, but you can sleep in it. I'll join you in a bit."

"Thank you," I said, more an automatic response to being given something rather than an expression of some heartfelt gratitude.

She hefted me up out of her lap, showing me to her bedroom. It was a tiny space, barely larger than the bed, which was at least a queen sized one. When she closed the door behind me, the room turned pitch black almost instantly, and I curled up under the sheets, closed my eyes, and pretty much immediately went to sleep. I was only woken up some hours later by the gentle trickle in of electronic lighting as she came into the bedroom herself, crawling into bed with me and gently draping her biological arm over my body, her warm body pressing against me as she pulled me close. I was lying towards the center of the bed, so I wound up with my face all but buried in her breasts. It wasn't sexual, just the intimate touch of two people sleeping in the same bed.

My body was less certain that it counted as nonsexual, and I wound up rubbing my hard-on against her thigh as I settled back in to sleep. I could feel her emotional response to that sensation; more an "awww, how cute" than any kind of positive response like what I might have gotten from Errai or Inessa.

It was nice. I just slipped right back into sleep within a few minutes.

* * *

I spent much the next day, and the next, much the same way. Linea set a computer up for me to play games of my own on, freeing her up to work; she stayed in the home at all times, so if I needed anything, she was always there to help. It wasn't as if I was interrupting something: if Darth Rakali was getting any help from her, I didn't see any sign from her. She didn't even give off the ping of anxiety I'd have expected from her helping Darth Rakali over a long distance. She just quietly, diligently worked, her only emotions being intellectual interest, excitement, or (more rarely) boredom. Well, there was also the occasional time when she'd pop her head out of her office specifically, tell me to knock if I needed anything, and close the door; on those occasions, her lust would start to build before she closed the door and spike afterwards, for obvious reasons.

For a Zeltron, there is a certain natural sympathy when we feel someone else's emotions, especially if we like that person. It's like how laughter is contagious. Feeling those pulses of erotic desire brought something inside me up as well, and on the fourth day, I had been long enough without masturbating that the stimulus pushed me to get started doing something. I grabbed a couple paper towels, closed my eyes, and started to fantasize about Inessa, the way we'd fucked, the thrill of making her come again and again. I tried my best to not think about what happened to her afterwards as I masturbated.

It wasn't easy, or entirely effective, either. The occasional flash of her death, or her corpse, served not to entirely dissuade, but always to break off and interrupt my stream of fantasies, forcing me to take a while to get myself fully back in the mood. It was frustrating enough that I barely even noticed as Linea reached her peak, the few long sagging moments of exhaustion of exhaustion that came afterwards. I only consciously realized she was done when she opened the door to her office, and in the process stumbled on me masturbating.

"A-ah, crap, didn't realize you were old enough to be doing that kind of thing," she said, glancing away with a faint blush. Given her normally completely chaste expressions of affection towards me, I was surprised to feel the burbling resumption of lust at the sight of my bare cock. "You know, you'll make less of a mess if you do it in the toilet," she said, staring pointedly at the wall. Her own lust just kept ascending as she stood there, not even looking at me. I had frozen when she'd come out, my hand gripping my cock in a sort of quiet shock. I started to stroke myself off again, as I realized she was physically attracted to me, my hand getting more rapid, my eyes exploring her body freely.

My experience with women thus far had seen me as the seduced party both times. I was young. I had no experience whatsoever with actually drawing a woman into bed. "You're really pretty," I said, just going for complimentary words since I had no idea of what to say beyond them.

"Thanks. Ah. Could you… stop?" She asked it, in this uncertain manner, her actual feelings clearly contradicting any desire to stop. One thing that I find people don't understand about the ability to sense emotions, is that it's the ability to sense emotions, not thoughts. She was experiencing lust, not thinking I want to fuck him. Those are two different things.

"I'd really like to keep doing it." I paused, hesitating before adding, "Would you help me?"

She blushed at that, her cheeks turning genuinely scarlet. She let out an awkward laugh, the sort one lets out when one doesn't have any idea what to say. She felt embarrassed at being asked such a question, but she was still feeling lust. "Help you how?" She asked.

"Help me come," I breathed out, my hand moving rapidly up and down my cock. She bit her lip, her gaze finally turning back to my body again, staring at my erect cock, this time openly taking in its size. I could feel the sort of impressed admiration she felt for my length. I kept jerking off, unable really to stop myself.

"Is Darth Rakali going to mind?"

I shook my head. Even if she did, I wouldn't tell her under any circumstances, so it didn't matter.

Rather than just hopping atop me, she grabbed the back of my chair, quietly moving me into the bedroom. She hefted me easily up out of said chair and laid me down on the bed, my jerking off getting interrupted for just a moment as she did so. She stared down at my cock, throbbing as it was in the open air. Her gaze was soft, affectionate, and then her warm hand wrapped around my length, jerking me off as she stared up at me like that.

There wasn't anything more to it than that. The gentle feeling of her hand wrapping around my length, the sharp contrast of my red skin and her pale pink coloration as her fingers slid up and down my length. I groaned, my cock twitching in her grasp, energetically pleading with her for more, to be allowed to ejaculate. She just kept jerking me off, a soft glow to her cheeks. She stared at my cock rather than my eyes, as if trying to avoid the embarrassment. It only served to arouse me further, to make that gentle up-down movement of her hand on my cock all the more intense and pleasurable.

I squirted before long, spurting out a copious amount of semen, some of it splashing on her face, staining her features lewdly with my white goop. Most of it fell on the bed, as I jerked and came, and she let out a gentle sigh at the mess I'd made, some part of her already anticipating work down the line, but she didn't complain. She just scooped my cum off her face, feeding it into her mouth. "Is that better?" She asked, when she was finished, her face more or less clean of my cum, my length hard and twitching in the air.

It was better. But, I wanted more. I had no idea how far I could take it, so I finally settled on just saying, "please, suck my cock," in this breathless, youthful voice of a young boy who desperately wanted someone to please, suck his cock. Linea popped her lips, considering the thing before her. Hesitating. I liked her, she was nice, so if she had said no, rejected the suggestion… instead she leaned forward, planting a kiss on the tip of my cock.

"How do you know what sucking cock means?" She asked, her eyebrow quirked up. It was curiosity that motivated her, this wasn't just dirty talk.

"I've had sex before," I explained, my length twitching right in front of her face, threatening to blow up at any moment. I felt the pity in her emotions, saw the grimace as she appeared to reconsider sucking me off, no doubt mentally determining that I had been the victim of something terrible. "I liked it." I encouraged it, I sought it out. Those thoughts didn't leave my mouth before Linea leaned forward and simply engulfed my cock in her mouth.

She hummed the moment she had taken me inside her, letting out a soft noise around my length, her glittering eyes lewdly staring up at me, her throat wetly swallowing around my cock. Her fingers dug into the bed sheets on either side of her, her brown eyes vivid and alive with lust as she stared up at me. All the while, my length throbbed inside her throat, as she simply quietly hummed, her hands - both biological and prosthetic - softly and reassuringly rubbing up and down my thighs.

It felt incredible, just that much. Inessa was also clearly sexually experienced, but her blowjobs had nothing on Linea's. There was a passion in her gaze, a quiet twisting back and forth of her tongue on the underside of my cock, her eyes keeping their focus completely on my own, seeming to stare into my very soul, to proclaim, proudly, that she was doing all this for my sake. She held herself down on my length for quite some time, simply choking herself on my cock, my length throbbing in her throat as she did so. Those cool fingers of her prosthetic, the warm ones of her biological hand, both were dripping with affection as they caressed my bare skin, completely guileless, completely giving.

I groaned, panted, twitched. My hips bucked up into her face, my balls slapping at her chin. I could feel the way she was feeling, the constant stream of lust that radiated from her, dripping around thoughts of sexual generosity, wrapping around them so tightly that it could her lust could be felt pulsing in time with each throb of my cock. She held herself down for quite some time, simply choking on my cock - then she peeled back, a wet pop accompanying the exit of my length from her throat, a certain wry smirk to her lips joining it as well. Each thick twitch of my length in front of her was a silent taunt, a dare, but she caught her breath as she stared at it, breasts heaving, one hand stroking my length.

"You can talk, Soleil," she said, her voice sweet as silk, friendly and giving. "Say whatever comes to mind. Even if it's dirty, or mean, I'll understand." That was all she said before slurping my dick back down to the base, her throat squeezing around my dick as she simply swallowed around my length in that position, making me spasm wildly in pleasure, thrashing beneath her.

I was worried that I could come at any moment. My mouth flapped pointlessly for a second or two before I managed to force the air through to speak. "Your throat feels so good, Linea," I gasped out, eyes staring up at the ceiling in impassioned lust, my cock throbbing wildly inside her mouth. My hands went down for her scalp, grasping her ponytail, holding her by it as I ground my hips fruitlessly against her face, my body declaring that I should come any time now, that I should spray out hot cum all over the inside of her mouth.

I managed to avoid giving into that urge, instead peeling her off my cock. It left her mouth with a wet pop, the expression on her face unsure - had she failed to do something? Messed it up somehow? Those were the concerns that were obviously running through her mind as my length twitched in the air. There was no thought of her own pleasure, her own pride. She just wanted to make me feel good. It was intensely erotic, seeing her like that, looking up at me, almost pouting.

"It felt too good," I told her, breathless. My cock twitched, threatening to explode right on her face as she gently smiled. Then she dove down my length again, taking me to the base in her mouth, humming softly around my length as she swiveled her head around, nose pressed into my pubes, mouth wetly smacking. Saliva dribbled out of her mouth, gently staining and coating my length, my cock throbbing with desperate energy as she worked me over. I lost control at that point, grasping her ponytail and holding her down as I simply ejaculated directly down her throat, closing my eyes and gasping in pleasure.

When I was completely spent in her throat, she popped off, gently smiling, wiping her mouth as she reached down and tousled my hair. "Don't tell your master about this," she told me.

My cock was still erect in that moment, ready and willing to go another round, but I nodded. "I won't," I reassured her. She gave me a quick peck on the head, rising from the bed, still completely clothed. There was a warmth to her expression, an unselfish happiness that she had made me feel good, that made it impossible to ask for more, even for a young me. I tucked my cock away and let sleep overtake me as I lay there on the bed.

* * *

That was not the last time that Linea would fellate me. She was always generous and sweet with each loving blowjob, her only thought being to make me feel good. Sometimes, she would masturbate afterwards, entirely separate from me, some amount of shame tinging the feeling.

We became closer too. Not because of the sex itself - that took place in near silence, the only words exchanged being my statement that I was hard again, her direction that I lie down, and then countless new ways to rephrase the sentence, "You sucking my cock feels incredible." Afterwards, she would tuck me into bed with a sweetness and maternal gentility that made it impossible to ask for anything more, to suggest I was unsatisfied.

No, we became closer because she - perhaps out of some tingling sense of guilt that she was taking advantage of me - would start talking to me more, chatting about things, suggesting we play games together, her on her computer, me on "mine". From time to time, she'd have to stop the game, quitting out and going into business mode, saying various quick, clipped sentences describing how to apply certain devices, or asking for more specifics on whatever was going on. I caught some of it, but she was really focused at the software end of things, so she understood things I had absolutely no comprehension of.

It was nice. It was homey. Just having something nice felt like it was going to get ruined, that at any moment Darth Rakali was going to show up and cut off her head. There was nothing I could do to stop that from happening if it was going to.

One thing I came to notice was that she never left her home. Never. It was clear that it wasn't a consequence of my presence in particular - she had trash chutes directly in one of the walls, regular deliveries of food, everything one needs to remain ensconced in a few rooms indefinitely. She exercised right there, doing sit ups and squats and more to keep herself limber. It gave an almost otherworldly feeling to the entire space, as if we were separated from the galaxy itself. Just the two of us, together. Cuddling. Talking. Playing games. Enjoying one another's company. I didn't even miss outside, really, during the time we spent together.

Linea seemed lively and friendly, happy to have someone to share her space with. It became increasingly clear to me, the longer I stayed there, that she had no other friends, no one else she spent time with, not even via her computers. Every conversation she had was one clipped and businesslike; every time I would glance over her shoulder, she would be coding, or playing some puzzle game. My presence was a welcomed change from whatever isolated life she had been living before then.

Then Darth Rakali came back. It had been weeks of the two of us sharing a space, Linea sweetly blowing me day in and day out. Rakali simply arrived, tossed a credit chip at Linea, and grabbed my wrist. I could feel Linea's own unhappiness, as I started to be pulled along, that we were going to be separated, and I blurted out the first words that came to mind. "Can Linea come with us?" I asked, in a desperate voice.

Rakali looked up at Linea, her eyes clearly trying to determine if the woman had put me up to this. The silence that followed was thick enough it would take a lightsaber several minutes to cut through.

"If she wants to," Darth Rakali said, turning to go, not even staying to talk to her, to offer some explanation of where we would be, simply dragging me out alongside her.

Linea stared blankly at the door as we went, not quite rising from her seat, yet seeming dearly to want to. When we were halfway down by the elevator, it displayed that it had been called from her floor, and I let out a small sigh of relief. Rakali pursed her lips and clicked the button to clear the elevator's orders, causing it to go right back up to collect Linea.

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