World's Worst Sith Master, Chapter 2:
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I have to admit, I did wonder if Darth Rakali actually had forgotten about me. I didn't see her again for quite some time. The Solace and Refuge was still in port. I'd check on it every day, occasionally getting inside, though I wasn't dumb enough to try to run away. I'd kill Darth Rakali one day, and getting mutilated would only make that harder. She also seemed unhinged, so I didn't want to risk her going beyond mutilation and just killing me.

Xig was helpful in practice, though his saber skills were actually below my own. I relayed him advice about his footwork based on what Darth Rakali had done for me. It took him a few hours work to properly adapt it to his own digitigrade legs, but we were soon going at it. I was starting to pick up a bit of vocabulary here and there. The grammar was thoroughly touch and go, but I was starting to get the major nouns. For example, " ͟ ͝ ̀" meant "saber." " ̀ ̧ ̸ ̷ ͟ ̶ ̴ ͠ ̵ ͏" was his way of saying my name. And so on - you get the idea. Transcribing xinderan is a pain, so I won't waste your time with it again.

I wasn't properly counted as an apprentice - maybe Darth Rakali was too busy with other things to actually claim me - so I was just bunked with all the other… conscripts, I suppose, would be the best word. We bunked together, like a barracks. The girl and boy I'd fought to protect Xig were there too - their names were Errai (girl) and Alhenas (boy). I could feel the malice radiating from them towards me, but I kept a low profile and managed to avoid being alone with them. After their fight with Xig had gone south so suddenly, they apparently decided to avoid getting in a fight in a public place where some interloper could involve themselves.

After all, even if you're a psycho Sith asshole, it's still a good idea to stab potential threats, and what was more of a potential threat than a peer or apprentice who couldn't keep their hands to themselves?

It was possible, when Xig and I were fighting, to forget all about our circumstances - to forget that I was the apprentice of a Sith and currently on Korriban. I was a young boy, so it was only natural to enjoy the thrill of combat. The fact that, unlike the practice droids, Xig was not quite on my level, made fighting him pleasant - the venerable standby of enjoying something because you can win at it. Our sabers would clash, we'd get a couple hits in, then pause and take a break.

We chatted quite a bit. He talked about his home planet, some pleasant-sounding jungle world called Zansax, covered in thick canopies of trees, plant life which was almost predatory, and large, insectoid creatures similar to himself - well, in the same sense I was similar to a kanter cat, I suppose. [I'm the seventeenth oldest, which gave me a lot of seniority.] He was explaining with the datapad, even as he clicked and clattered the words with his mouthparts.

I had to interrupt him. "The... seventeenth?" I asked.

[Of three hundred! Well, three hundred when I left. Mom wasn't very fertile.]

"Oh. Ah, humans have more like... one to four kids each."

[Wow! That must be so lonely! Though you probably have an easier time getting access to the bathroom!] He let out a chittering noise that I knew to be laughter. [We normally have a few, but when there's bad food, it can be really bad! A line of dozens for each bathroom.]

I let out a laugh of my own at that mental image. "I'm an only child myself, but I know about having too few bathrooms. I mostly lived on the Solace and Refuge. We had one bathroom for the whole ship, ten people including me. Normally it was fine, but when something happened..."

He laughed again at that. [Probably still faster than our lines! Oh, that reminds me - Errai said you're a near-human, what's that?]

"I'm a Zeltron." He looked at me as if that explained exactly nothing, which, I suppose it didn't. "Humans who genetically deviated from the baseline due to being separated."

[How do you tell if someone's a near-human or a human?] I'd only just been starting to get a feeling for his expressions, but I'm pretty sure this whole subject was genuinely baffling.

I pulled at my skin. "My skin tone. Normal humans aren't red."

[Oh! So then the dark-skinned humans, they're near-humans too? Since I don't think Errai is a near-human.]

"No, those are regular humans."

[But.] Pause, erase. [Okay, then what are the normal human colorations?]

"Um. Sort of... anything in between Errai's skin tone, and the darker humans you've seen. It's more like dark to light, than multicolored? I know Chiss have blue skin."

[And Chiss are near-humans?] I nodded. [Man. You people make this so complicated! You have the same number of fingers, the same hair, the same everything pretty much.]

"Well... Zeltrons are different from normal humans on the inside."

[Do you have green blood? Xinders have green blood,] he added, helpfully.

"No. We're sort of... different sexually..."

[Oh, praise be the Force!] He lost his grip on the datapad, he was so excited, and it took him several times to get it together. [Humans are disgusting about sex!]


[They have sex by putting their parts inside each other! Blech!] He mimed puking. I think. I've never seen a Xinder puke.

"Oh... Zeltrons have sex the same way as normal humans. We're just less inhibited about when to do it and how."

[Does that mean you've...] He put down the datapad and mimed two fingers thrusting into his hand like they were stabbing it. I shook my head, and he picked up the datapad. [Whew! If you ever do, don't let me see! I think my insides might go outside if you do, you know?]

"Is it really that gross?" I asked.

[Yes! You're literally penetrating someone... I mean, imagine if instead of the sexual organs, it was putting your tongue in the other person's mouth.]

"...humans do that too."

[Ah! Disgusting, I don't want to hear about it!] He waggled his hand in the air in front of him defensvely, as if pushing me away, shaking his head rapidly.

"My parents sometimes would just do it right in front of me, since-" His thick keratinous hand pressed against my mouth as he shut me up. I couldn't help but smile a little from teasing him like that. "Alright, I get it, I won't talk about sex or kissing."

[What's kissing?] A fraction of a second after displaying that text to me, he was desperately deleting it. [Wait! No! I don't want to know!] I just smiled. [It's bad enough you people eat dead food!]

I almost asked him what he meant by that, but quickly realized that on that subject, discretion was the better part of valor. "I guess that's just one unfortunate part of living in such a big galaxy. Ready for another round of fighting?" I asked, standing up and stretching. There was a slight ache in my palms, but I'd found a pair of gloves to wear, so it was vastly reduced from what it had been in previous fights, the training saber not having the chance to dig into my hand anywhere near as cleanly.

It was then that Errai appeared in the portal to the training room, accompanied by Alhenas. She smirked as she saw the pair of us - we quickly rose to our feet. "Oh, not so cocky now that you're not sneak attacking us?" She half-spat the words out.

"A certain degree of cleverness is part of battle," Alhenas said, readying his training saber, "but if one can't win a battle outside an ambush, you're doomed from the start."

"If you're twice the fighter that Errai is, I'm pretty sure I can beat both of you," I told them. With Xig's improvements to his form, he was probably the better fighter than the human girl - who apparently had literally no training, despite her bravado.

"Let's show this cocky little shit what for! Thinks just because he's cute he can get away with anything or something, I swear to fuck," she spat, drawing her training saber from her side. Alhenas gave her the tiniest, briefest of looks. "He claimed he was Darth Rakali's apprentice, crock of shit. What, you think just because you've got a good smile I'll buy that?"

Zeltrons have a certain natural magnetic charm to us. We naturally seem to 'pop,' like the only person done up in makeup in a holonet vid. It's normally associated with more postpubescent Zeltron - particular since we have a reputation as party people - but it applies just as much to younger Zeltrons. When I'd been on the Solace and Refuge that had manifested as just being the ship mascot; now, dealing with Sith, apparently being particularly attractive was some sort of personal slight against Errai. My own training saber was in one hand, a fresh electrical disabler in the other - I shot it without any warning, aimed at Errai. She managed to block it, to my chagrin, with a haphazard and desperate wave of her saber.

"That kind of trick won't work more than once, retard," she said, snarling, rushing in without any hesitation. As she made a wild haymaker of a swing, I pushed her training saber to one side before getting in under her guard and hitting her chin with my skull. As she juttered backwards in pain, I brought my saber around, slamming into the side of her neck, making her hiss and fall to one side, clutching the zone I'd struck. Alhenas had followed after her, but he'd been held off by Xig for a moment.

By the way Alhenas moved his feet, he was a much better fighter than Errai was, having more precision in his footwork. The pair were parrying one another, avoiding getting close enough for any proper fighting - fencing, Darth Rakali would have called it, and sneered at it. In her mind, strong defense was necessary to combat, but it shouldn't be predicated on distance. That was something that only helped with melee opponents, and your only melee opponents would be Jedi or other Sith. Or at least, something like that. She knew a lot about saber duels, so I listened to her on the subject.

She had also made it incredibly clear that flanking was something you should under no circumstances let happen to you in a fight with multiple opponents. She'd done so by explaining that, when she'd carved her way through my family and crewmates, she had done so mostly one-by-one, since it meant the thin possibility of a lucky flanking maneuver or surprise attack were minimized. It left an impression, particularly since when she was explaining that to me, she had one hand on my cheek, that sadistic smile on her lips.

I got up behind Alhenas as a consequence - he tried to reposition so I couldn't, pulling back, but it put him up against the wall, against two saber fighters. When Xig made an overly telegraphed strike (nothing compared to Errai's exaggerated blows, like she was trying to hack down a tree), I took the opportunity of Alhenas's defense to get under his guard, slamming my saber into his gut, hard, shifting it as I rushed in closer, so that rather than the point he took the brunt, hissing and gasping as he got forced back into the wall. He tried to bring his sword around to attack me, but he couldn't.

"I'd really rather we didn't have to fight again," I told him, as Xig and I held him in place.

He just spat in my face, the saliva hitting my forehead. "I would rather not have to see a bunch of non-humans in the prestigious Sith Academy. Yet, here I am."

I heard Errai coming up behind me; she hadn't bothered to disguise her footfalls at all, and I managed to slip to one side before she hit me. We shifted around one another, neither side wanting to back down. Xig chattered excitedly, but all I caught was a couple nouns - saber, fight, Soleil. Alhenas had the better skills with his saber, while Errai had all the venom for the two of us.

The training sabers were painful, but not really incapacitating. I could see this fight play out in my head: we beat each other around the head with the light saber equivalent of a pool noodle, and both sides get bruises and burns. Maybe whoever wins decides to kick the other side while they're down and add a few more notes of pain and injury to the affair. It wasn't worth it. I managed to silently drag Xig with me towards the door - then we fled quickly, getting out in a public place where fighting between trainees was slightly more frowned upon.

Would they keep trying to fight us, or would our 'flight' let them hold enough pride to leave it be? Honestly, I had no idea how Sith even thought, so I just hoped it was the latter and tried to move on.

* * *

Xig and I practiced several more times over the next week, and we weren't interrupted again - maybe the first interruption had just been a fluke, or maybe Errai and Alhenas were satisfied with a 1:1 win-loss ratio.

Then Darth Rakali appeared in the barracks in the middle of the night, simply striding into the bunk with the utmost confidence. She moved with a slow, methodical gait, as if everything in the bunk was beneath her notice, her eyes cold as they swept across the room. She emanated a faint scent of blood, or cooked meat, or something like that, and it produced an instinctive sense of fear in me - one I kept tamped down on as she came to me, her hand soon pressing down against my sternum in the bed.

Other people were awake. My eyes weren't drawn away from Rakali at any point, staring up at the murderess as her palm pressed down against my chest, but I could feel their returning to consciousness, the anxiety that came with recognizing the presence of a Sith Master in their midst. It was tangible in the air, like a thick honey that clogged up the inside of my mouth. "Why did you not go to the ship to rest?" She asked.

"I didn't want you to think I was trying to escape."

She gave the thinnest smile at that, fingertips dancing across my cheek as she stared down at me. "I would only think that if you tried to leave the planet. Get yourself presentable and come to the ship - we're leaving."

She didn't bother to stick around, simply leaving me in a room with a dozen young wannabe Sith, who promptly stared at me with some mix of jealousy, hate, and cautious covetous thoughts - as if considering exactly how best to push me to the side to steal my position as Darth Rakali's apprentice, without getting in trouble themselves. Errai seemed vaguely frightened, and Alhenas seemed disappointed, perhaps.

I tried not to pay them any mind as I got dressed properly and scurried off to the port. At the very least, no one interrupted me.

Darth Rakali was a very scary woman.

* * *

The moment I was back aboard the Solace and Refuge, she was closing the hatches, hitting buttons like she had been born on the ship, as if she had been an actual crew member rather than a murderer who had stolen it a few weeks ago. She didn't give me a second glance, but I didn't let that trick me. I knew she had her eyes, or her senses, or something, on me - she'd taught me that lesson, at least. Mainly by kicking my ass both times I had tried to surprise her while she was distracted.

"What did you do for the past while?" Darth Rakali asked, when we were finally in space and going on our way. "Since you are my apprentice, I should take an interest in such things."

Any suggestion that she should have taken an interest in such things before abandoning me in the middle of the Sith temple on Korriban died on my lips as her gaze turned my way. I just swallowed. "I was practicing with my saber, and toying with the leftover droids."

"You managed to destroy one of them with that thing?" She asked, a certain alien curiosity in the way she asked it - as if she was already steaming for another go at humiliating me, but only if I had gotten stronger.

"No, other students had - I just took some leftover parts." I didn't actually want to fight her. She didn't have particularly kind teaching sensibilities, to put it lightly.

"I see." She absently clicked a few buttons on the ship's navigation panel, then rose to her feet, striding over to me with a fierceness in her eyes. "Let's see what improvements you've made to what I taught you," she began, grabbing me by the scruff of my clothes and dragging me to the room she'd set up as our training room - it was Mr. Gevlashi's old quarters, I knew.

I had made no meaningful improvements. Maybe a bit of exercise had resulted in my arms not aching quite as much (or at least, taking slightly longer to do so) when she'd smack my defense aside, but I was still a novice, and she was an expert. I couldn't so much as graze her hair, much less make an actual meaningful strike. She just pursed her lips as she looked down at me when I finally dropped my training saber. "I've told you not to look where you're going to strike. Use the Force to anticipate the enemy's blows." She stared me down for a few seconds. "When we get back to Korriban, you will be fighting one of those training droids blindfolded."

I was ready to argue, to make some desperate plea for mercy, just on sheer instinct, but she stepped towards me, and my voice died in my throat before a single word formed. I was going to get the shit kicked out of me by a combat droid with no sense of proportionality, and there was nothing I could do about it at this point.

I just nodded in acquiescence, and she smiled. "Good boy. You'll make an excellent Sith one day, if you don't die first."

I had no response.

* * *

We had landed on the multilayered megalopolis of Erulios, its massive, sky-scraping towers seeming like a million million tiny needles pointed out at the sky, giving the planet the vague outline of a stickerfish. As we came down, each one drew into full view, clearly complexes where people lived - at the uppermost levels, there were various adornments, paintings, advertisements, works of art, littering the location with a copious amount of color, like a bright neon bulb. When one looked further down, though? Inevitably, darkness coalesced around the buildings, a thick, creeping black, as the sun's light was winked out, like the jungle floor.

"Don't fall," Rakali said placidly, as if it didn't really matter to her whether or not I fell. She reached into the pocket of her cloak, retrieving a small device - about the size of my palm - and tossing it to me underhand. "If anything happens, contact me with that." She didn't even bother to tell me how to use it, which I'm sure was more out of absent-mindedness than anything like respect for my abilities, presumption that I could figure it out on my own, etc. "I'll be doing my job. Oh." She pulled out a credit chit. "Here. You can use this for whatever you need."

"You're just abandoning me here?" The words came out before I could stop them, mostly because her gaze had already turned away from me by the time I said them. I swallowed as her eyes turned back to me.

"I'm doing whatever I please to you. That's what power is. Meditate upon this lesson while I'm gone." Then she left, and I didn't interrupt her.

Technically, I'm sure, if one thought about it, I could run off. But there was something about her that made me think that wasn't an option. Maybe it was just an affected confidence, but when dealing with someone like her, and what she'd threatened, I decided to err on the side of caution.

That's how I wound up eating meat-on-a-stick (the species had a name I didn't recognize) in a street vendor's stall. The vendor was Resly, a large, burly man, with thick arms and a thicker body, but he treated me kindly, asked where my mother was. "Dead," I replied, then realized what I'd said. "The woman who's taking care of me is on some business - she'll probably be back in an hour or so."

"Ah," he said, seeming more sympathetic now. I didn't want him sympathetic, really. He'd only get in trouble if he did something stupid. "You can stay here until she gets back then."

"Thank you," I said, with a small bow of my head. "Should I tip, or-"

"No, no! No extra charge, kid! Sometimes it can be dangerous for a kid to walk alone, even up here," he admitted. We weren't on the topmost levels of Erulios - those were penthouses and high rises and the like. This was a dozen stories or so down, so still part of the "good" city, but not quite the neighborhood of the ultra-rich. Upper middle class, with some mixing in of people like Resly, who were here for work and generally went  back down to the lower levels.

I heard the curtain get brushed aside, and I saw Resly stiffen visibly, freezing up as he saw whoever it was.

Trying not to be too obvious, I glanced over my shoulder to see whose presence had so affected Resly - it was a woman, with warm brown skin and long, inky black hair that seemed to absorb the light. She moved with a confidence not so different from Rakali's, save that it had a bit more swagger, more seductive movements of the hips in there too. She paused as she saw me, then smiled and sat down next to me. "I'll have what he's having."

"Y-yes ma'am," Resly said, glancing at me with a worried look before stepping back to make fresh food.

The woman glanced my way, and I felt my heart beat slightly faster in my chest. Her fingers, delicate, slender, ran across my neck for just a moment - I didn't flinch at the warm feeling of them against my bare skin. Her expression was warm and friendly, but her eyes had a cool, calculating note to them, taking me in with care and precision. "You are so cute. Where's your mommy?"

"Dead. I'm here with the Sith Master Darth Rakali," I told her.

"Oh my! A Sith Master! What is your relationship to her?" She obviously didn't believe me. In fairness, it was ridiculous.

"I'm her apprentice." Unwillingly, but I didn't want to whine. My parents had taught me not to whine, and it was something that I'd kept up.

She just giggled at that, clearly not believing me. She pat my head, even, as she smiled. "You are the cutest Sith lord I've ever met. I think that if the Sith keep recruiting cute little guys like you," she said, grabbing my cheeks and pulling on them, "then people will stop being so scared of them. It's a good plan."

"I really am a Sith, that's not a joke, here, I have a saber." I pulled it out, making her laugh.

"I have a couple of those. Training sabers aren't even that hard to get, sweetie." She smiled, and this one easily reached her eyes. "You have such an active imagination. Here, let me keep you company. You don't have to worry about anything bad happening to you while I'm around." She absently flipped open the curtain, intentionally, revealing the presence of two large, well-dressed Trandoshans, these big, beefy, reptilian men in high-collared black and white suits, who gave her quick nods of their heads, acknowledging her as their superior. "I'm Inessa," she said, offering my her hand.

"I'm Soleil," I said, giving it a shake. It was nice that she was treating me as an adult, but Resly's uncertainty on her entrance left me a bit confused as to who she was.

She started chatting me up, and there's really no other way to describe it. Little compliments about my facial features, my build, asking me about my life story, talking about her own in oblique terms. If I ever made a contribution, she'd act as if it was incredibly insightful, no matter how insipid it actually was. On the one hand, having spent the past couple weeks on a roller coaster of emotions, getting a pure, uninhibited confidence boost was nice. On the other hand, she obviously had ulterior motives, and I was a danger to anybody who got too close, at the moment. Darth Rakali was an arbitrary and unpredictable woman, after all.

"You know, I have a hotel room just a few minutes walk. There are some fun games we can play there, would you like to do that while we wait for your Sith Master to get back?" She gave me a playful wink.

I swallowed. I looked at the curtains. I thought for a long few seconds, and, in the moment, emotionally compromised by everything I'd been through... I made the decision to just give in. I could feel her underlying emotions, thanks to my empathic abilities. Being around her felt warming, like a pleasant bath. She wasn't planning to sell me off as a slave or something.

I was no stranger to sex, obviously - my parents fucked in every room on the ship, and I had seen them doing as much. I was a bit younger than average to actually start doing it, but Zeltrons matured relatively quickly in that respect. I knew what she was suggesting, and I could only wonder if she knew how willing I was. It was obvious I was a Zeltron, but was that what she was seeing?

My feelings at the time were a mess. A consequence of the situation of being a Sith on Korriban, of being Darth Rakali's apprentice, of my parents being slaughtered by an alien. There was the confusion as to what had made Resly afraid of her. The basic young lusts that appear when approached by an attractive member of one's preferred sex. The anxiety as to what Darth Rakali would do to her. In the end, I was a Zeltron, and I wanted to be touched by someone, in a good way. It had been nearly a month since I'd had that experience.

"Sure, that sounds like fun," I said.

She smiled brilliantly at that. "Come on, then. Let me show you."

* * *

The hotel room was as clean and featureless as any other, and Inessa laid me down on my belly atop it, soon straddling me. My clothes at the time were rather form-fitting - I preferred the comfort such clothing brought - and she pressed her hands up against my shoulders. "Oh, all these muscles feel so knotted up," she said, in this sweet voice, as her hands wandered, pressing against my skin here and there, taking advantage of the opportunity to quietly grope me. Her fingers came to caress my biceps, my shoulders, my stomach, my thighs, my ass, each time giving them a thorough little squeeze, more for her sake than mine.

I didn't stop her. I just enjoyed her touch; I was more put out that I couldn't feel skin against bare skin as she worked me over like that. Eventually, she stopped, but only after giving my calves a thorough working over, earning a groan of relief from me. "Now let's do the front," she said, taking hold of my hips and easily flipping me over so that I was face to face with her.

I could see the look of distinct arousal on her face, the raw desire for me. Without offering any excuses, she simply grasped the base of my shirt, starting to pull it up, revealing my stomach. I hadn't built up that much muscle in the time I'd been on Korriban. I just quietly stared up at her, wondering if she'd noticed my hard-on when the back of her hand had brushed against it. For the moment, her eyes were entirely on my chest, but there was this rapacious smile, as if I was the most delicious little thing she had ever seen. "You have a lot of muscle. I guess you get a good workout as a Sith apprentice?"

"Sort of," I agreed, and she just smiled as her hands traced out my bare skin, pausing for a moment as they reached my slender neck, then sliding back down, this time towards my groin.

She felt my erection, fingers caressing it. "Oh my. Do you want me to take care of this, too, Soleil? I'm sure you're so stressed."

"Yes, please." Her touch was intimate, and that was so soothing, but that and the emotional warmth she was still emanating couldn't deal with the fact that I hadn't even had the chance to masturbate since my parents died.

She slid down my body, then, dragging my pants down, revealing pale pink flesh and a throbbing hard-on. I was on the larger side, I knew that much, and she licked her lips as she saw it, her eyebrows rising in appreciation before she leaned down to kiss the tip. Her hand gently started to stroke my length, a soft, slow movement. Loving, caring, giving. She nuzzled her cheek against my cock, staring up at me warmly, her tongue occasionally slithering along the whole length of my dick, sliding up and down. Her breaths, hot and sweet, tickled my dick as she moved this way and that around my cock, her hand grasping firmly the base of my dick whenever the work fell to her mouth.

At last, she made her way up to the tip, teasing it with her breath once more. "This is a really amazing cock," she said, her voice dripping with warm sincerity, a smile on her lips, in her eyes. Then she opened her mouth wide and started to take me inside it. Her throat bulged to accommodate me, the inside of her mouth wet and inviting as she kept taking me slowly but surely to the base. Warm saliva dribbled down my length as she just kept going and going, more and more of my cock vanishing within her mouth. Her fingers grasped my thighs, squeezed them tight, her brown eyes staring up at me lewdly before she hit my groin, her nose pressing up against my pelvis.

Once she was there, she started to twist her head left and right, her gaze on me as she did so. Her dark hair pooled around my bare skin, teasing my thighs, and her tongue flicked and rubbed at the underside of my cock. I gasped in pleasure at the sensation, already on a hair trigger from how long it had been, feeling my ability to resist her oral assault decline to nothing in what felt like a matter of seconds. As her lips slowly slid back up my length, popping back off, it was only the fact that my cock was no longer in her mouth that kept me from coming.

"Does it feel good?" Her fingers stroked my thighs, and I nodded rapidly. "It's fun, isn't it? This game is called 'cocksucking,' but let's keep it a secret between you and me, alright?" I nodded again, my length throbbing and twitching - my hand went down for the back of her head, trying to push her back to my cock, to get that sweet release that I needed. She giggled at that, but let me, smiling with her eyes as her mouth once more engulfed my length, my hard cock vanishing into her mouth and being entirely swallowed up. My fingers were clamped tight around her head - both hands, in fact, and soon my thighs as well, pressing against her, holding her in place.

It was my first personal sexual experience, and I had neither control nor a real sense of propriety. Was choking her on my cock like that wrong? At the moment, I didn't care, and the waves of sweetness and warmth and giving kindness that rolled off of her as thick as a physical stench meant that I didn't even think to do so. I had my legs crossed, soon enough, writhing and humping at her face, balls slapping her chin.

Then I found release, release from everything that had been going on for the past month, release from my physical urges. I came like a geyser, shooting out every last droplet of cum directly down her throat, seemingly completely letting go of my balls. When there came to be a slight note of panic in Inessa's feelings, as she was held down for so long, I didn't let her up. I focused on coming, filling her throat and stomach up with virtual rivers of cum, letting it splatter and spray across her insides.

It was only when I was utterly spent that I released her, prompting her to rapidly slide back up off my cock, taking in a few haggard, desperate breaths once she was at the tip, tickling my still-swollen cockhead with her breath. Her eyelashes fluttered, her tongue wetly flicking at the tip of my dick, and I just sighed.

"It's still hard," she said, sounding impressed, and she started to disrobe a moment later, revealing that rich brown skin, her dark nipples hard, her pink sex glistening. I drank in her curvaceous, beautiful figure, the dark hue of her skin adding a particular note of contrast, as my throbbing red cock twitched before her. "Now, what we just played mostly felt good for you - this game feels good for me too. Ready?"

I nodded, and that was all the response I got to give, before that tight, wet sex of hers wrapped around my cock and began to slowly slide downward, making more and more of it vanish inside her. She softly sighed, closing her eyes to enjoy herself, her tongue slithering out to wet her lips. Her movement was slow and sensual, her hips making a gentle rocking movement on the way down, angling my dick this way and that. Her expression was one of serene bliss, as she felt her pelvis press against mine, my cock twitching in her cunt. I could feel the radiating sensation of pleasure, joy, ecstasy, something very warm and reassuring to have wash over me.

For a moment, that was all there was between us, that quiet shared ecstasy, our bodies fitting together snugly. Then my cock absently throbbed inside her wet sex, and she smiled, starting to really move at that point, her eyes a little wild as she slid up my length, wet sex gripping my dick, before slamming back down with an unceremonious thump of her rump against my thighs. "Ah, that's really good. You're so big inside me, Soleil," she said. Her emotions were a bit of a dazed, confused thing, pleasure washing over more rational thinking. Her fingers grabbed my shoulders, digging into them as she started to ride me, these furious, forceful slams of her body against mine.

The show was good too - her full tits bouncing up and down, her green eyes occasionally crossing or rolling up. She seemed to suck me in every time she went back down, her inner walls caressing and guiding my dick ever further inside her, squeezing my length where it rested in her eager, wet sex. My hands went to her body, starting to freely grope her, fingers digging into her ass cheeks, sliding up to her breasts, groping those, too. I was uninhibited in my touches, feeling the way that her soft flesh billowed between my fingers, perhaps a hint of sadism creeping its way into my actions.

She just moaned delightedly beneath my eager fingers, letting me feel her up, letting my hands dig in wherever they found. She even verbally encouraged me, with lines like, "You like my sexy body," or "Touch me all you want, Soleil." She came before me, even though I wasn't being a particularly attentive lover, just moaning atop me, her eyes rolling up in pleasure as she did so, her cunt clamping down on my cock.

My sexual endurance, as a Zeltron, was far above hers. Sex for Zeltrons was a fairly common part of social bonding - not quite to the "fuck as a greeting" level, of course, but certainly something common for anyone of opposite genders who were close to each other - and thus it was important to make it a lasting experience for both parties. That's a long way of saying that my hips started to buck up into hers, my cock slamming deep inside her, my fingers groping and squeezing her tits, even as she started to lose her own energy to repeated orgasms. I could feel her juices trickling down my cock, teasing my whole length, and she shivered softly atop me as she made a slow, sensual movement up and down.

I could feel the warm, happy feelings that came from her with each orgasm, the quiet blissed out pleasure she was currently experiencing. Having already come once, any problems caused by too much built-up libido was long gone, and I grabbed her hips and twisted her around on the bed. She was out of it enough to let me, falling onto her back, dark hair pooling around her features like a black halo. I pounded into her at that point, enjoying the sight of her breasts bouncing and jiggling, my fingers moving to grope her plush ass cheeks as she took it all.

She was beyond the point of words, only animal noises coming out of her mouth, the occasional trickle of saliva. There was no anger at me for turning the tables on her, just the pure, raw, bliss of sexual pleasure as my cock repeatedly thrust inside her, my balls slapping against her ass cheeks as she salivated in pleasure. Her whole body was warm, coated with a shiny layer of sweat, her eyes rolling around in her skull.

I don't know quite how long we were in that position, how long I was ramming away with all the frantic, pent-up need. Each beautiful wave of pleasure that I sensed from her when she came was a kind of aphrodisiac to me, and my fingers were allowed full reign over her body, groping her ass, her tits, her stomach, caressing her cheeks. At some point I kissed her on the lips - her own tongue was sloppy and ineffectual, but she hardly tried to push me off.

By the time I finally finished with her, it had been over an hour. Her skin was slick with sweat, her dark hair knotted and tangled around her, sticking to skin in certain places.

I sat down on the bed, panting for air, my naked body a little sticky. Unlike her, though, I caught my breath in a couple minutes, my dick half-flaccid, but a glance over at Inessa's naked body soon had me hard again. I teased her sex with my fingertips, and she showed no sign of displeasure, so I got in between her legs again.

I didn't know when I would next get the chance to enjoy something like this, after all.

* * *

A silent figure simply stood on the balcony. She paid attention to each presence within the building itself, waiting for her target to arrive. The wind here was heavy, the buildings serving to form a sort of gash that the wind flowed through like a raging sea - it was loud enough to leave a ringing in her ears, but she didn't care. Nor did she care that her target was over an hour late. She was patient. She would wait.

The leader of the Antusian ring, Inessa, would return to her home soon enough, and then the killing would begin.

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