Phase 1 complete, moving to phase 2
Hey guys!  We finished setting up the new avatar, code, game mechanics and UI.
We released a demo of this to Patrons (which broke, but we're working on it!).  Once it's fixed, we'll aim to release a public demo so everybody can check it out.
Now comes the first real test
Using the new code base, how fast can we make a new chunk of story content?
The next objective is the early Lifepath.  This will let you play through your heroine's formative years, and decide what kind of teenager she was: athlete, geek girl, alpha female, or rock chick.
We're aiming to finish and release this content by Halloween.  That means we'll have to cram a bunch of things into the next three weeks: lots of avatar art, lots of coding, and lots of writing, all being worked on and integrated simultaneously.
Simultaneous work like this used to be impossible (because of the structural problems we identified in the MFAGA review PDF).  We think we've fixed them now; let's find out.
If this works, or comes close to working, it'll prove that we can advance the story every few weeks, not every few months.  🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻  I'll keep you posted on progress over the next three weeks.