Monthly Progress Report - October

Hello Everyone!
I hope you're having a wonderful spooky month!
Today’s report comes at a slightly later date than usual, after all, we had a far more important post that deserved the spotlight, a streaming marathon that began on Monday and ended earlier today. Now that it is over, we can now move on with this report which will be featuring our usual themes, updates and (extremely good) news.

Streaming Marathon

This week, from October 5th to the 9th, Sunna made a special streaming week at his picarto channel, he went at it day in and day out to complete all the artwork the way it was meant to be for our next release! His efforts were successful and now our desired reworks and updates from the initial drafts are now refined and ready for the release!

Getting out of Alpha

And now that all the art is done, there is not much time left until the release day arrives, all that is left to do is to get the other necessary things ready! This leads us to a version 0.1.4 release arriving any day next week! And with that, our first release out of the "alpha" state will be complete, meaning every patron will be able to check out our work! 

Are Those Fireworks!?

Maybe they are, maybe they aren't, last month we posted some here, you'll have to follow the link to find out, also, this amazing artwork is the result of one of our reworks for release version 0.1.4.

Gazing at the Future

While we were wrapping things up for our next release, we were looking into taking quite a few early steps into version 0.2. What this means is that a thighjob lies in your near future and there’s already quite a few amazing art previews of that event, including this one posted last month, Informis sure is a lucky guy, getting to know Nil and Meriandra in such intimate ways... 

In the Meantime

There is always a way to interact with fellow Elf lovers, our discord is the main source of such interactions, remember to link you ***** before joining, so you can get yourself an Elvish role, aside from that, if you lost the opportunity to check Sunna's marathon while it was live, don't worry, this will not be the last time he will be streaming, neither the last time a crazy marathon like this will happen, you can always follow him on to check out beautiful Elves being creates live!

P.S.: Sorry for the missing links and some infos, for today on everything will be better here.