Young Maria v7.5.0! Farm adventures

Hello, my comrades! I can finally work for days and nights, and I have a lot of things to tell you! Let me start.
First thing, I fixed my site's certificate, and now it works properly. I also noticed that some of you still visit the unprotected address. Make sure you have the letter "s" in "https://"! Just add it, and your connection will be protected:3
Second, I'm talking to my artist again. She is a bit busy as always, but she swears that she will be free in a week or a bit more. Well, let's see.
Third, I love your reaction to adding vivid dreams! Rachael worked on these scenes, and they became even better^^ Sadly, no new locations were added in this update. But I already have plans and a lot of ideas. (Thanks to you since you messaging me every day, telling what you'd like me to add)
Fourth, now YM uses SugarCube v2.33.2. Warning, developers! You should update it, too. It may cause or fix some engine bugs, so keep your heads up.
UPD 7.5.0
- I updated SugarCube version (from 2.31.1 to 2.33.2). I hope the Settings error will disappear. As I proved in my Discord server, it's the SugarCube issue
- And if this won't help, I replaced some parts of code in the widget so it should work better now. I'm talking about the Settings Check widget
- Beautified vivid dreams text a bit
- Reduced a chance to meat Temple and Cave (from 25% to 15%)
- You asked too many times, and I finally added this. Now your granddad can catch you doing funny things. Every scene, every scene has a unique addition (7 in total). Granddad has it's own schedule, and the chance of being seen depends on what he is doing: sleeping(0%), eating(6%), working(10%)
- Rachael significantly improved vivid dreams (both Temple and Cave scenes) and worked on other scenes
Hope you all had a good week:) See you next Sunday!