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Hello everyone! First of all, I’m sorry for taking so long. Like I said, I was out of work for two weeks. Everything is fine now.
In this update I added the third boss – Victor. A soft man with a jealous wife. There are not many events and the new locations are fairly boring. But I had to cut corners to release the longest update ever as soon as possible. I plan to add more content in the future.
By the way, the next update (v1.0.0) will be all about decorations. Adding colors, music, art. SMS to the phone and roads to the “world”? Not the last fourth boss, no. For two reasons: I’m pretty tired of doing identical things, and right now the game can use at least some improvements. There is a huge list of things that people have asked me to implement or change, and in most cases I totally agree with them. It needs to be done.
UPD v0.9.8Added:– Created a scene for the transition from the second to the third level. Victor – CEO of this company – will approach the main character in the middle of the work day if she has 200 points of Corruption. To get this event with a 20% chance, you will need either to Loiter or to Order Food. Victor will offer you an after-work date, and from that day on you will be able to actually go on an after-work date with Victor (there will be a link in the lobby).
– In the third level office, you will be able to work just like the previous bosses. But this time, Victor will take you with a 40% chance to one of two locations: Gentlemen’s Club or Racecourse. The main character is now a personal assistant and must accompany the boss to business meetings! There is also a third location, but we will leave it for the future. There are some problems with it for now.
– In all the above locations, each action takes one hour, adds 3 Boss Relationship points and removes 5 points of Energy.
– In the Gentlemen’s Club, with a 25% chance, you can meet an old gentleman Jim, who will openly tell you that Victor used to go to this place with his wife.
– In the Gentlemen’s Club, with a 25% chance you can meet Jenna, Victor’s former classmate who is now selling him information. She is a lesbian and with a 60% chance she can start showing you signs of attention that will end with cunnilingus in the bathroom. This event has 4 new gifs.
– At the Racecourse, with a 25% chance, you may meet a stranger who offers to bet on the victory of an old lame horse. The chance of winning is only 1%. But in case of victory the main character will receive $ 1000. And in case of failure you will see one of four new gifs.
– In Racecourse, there’s a 25% chance of meeting William, a former friend of the boss, with whom they’re not on the best of terms. Word for word, William fucked the protagonist in the throat for money, thinking she was Victor’s daughter. The event requires 250 units of Corruption and contains 5 new gifs.
– While Loitering, there’s a 15% chance to see an event where Victor talks to his wife on the phone. Be a good assistant, crawl under the boss’s desk! This event contains 3 new gifs.
– While Loitering, there’s a 15% chance of stumbling upon an event where the boss is bothering the protagonist during her rest. What does this have to do with anal sex? A riddle. And this riddle contains 4 new gifs.
– While Ordering food at the office, there’s a 30% chance you’ll stumble upon a cute SFW food scene.
Changed:– Changed the tier-1 job status from “Assistant” to “Helper”. “Assistant” will be a tier-3 job status.
Thank you for your patience and sorry again for the long delay. See you in a couple of weeks! Stay warm!