Young Maria v7.4.0! Vivid dreams

Hello, guys and girls! I'm working during a financial lecture, so I'll be quick.
First of all, sorry for all this mess. I'm busy as hell cleaning up my new dorm room, + there are a few problems with my classmates and the head of the dormitory. I'm doing my best; trust me. Well, and I have some trouble with sleep. 
Let's talk about YM now. I wiped out all text I wrote accidentally, so I had to re-write it again. Took a lot of time, but I managed to do this. You know my plans about vivid dreams, so I want you to take a look at Temple and Cave I added in this version and told me what do you think about this idea.
UPD 7.4.0

- Deleted all supporters from the Hall of Glory. Haven't updated it in a while and you couldn't reach it playing, but people asked me to do this
- Added two vivid dreams: wild cats' temple and wolves' cave. Remember, you need 90+ Corruption to see dreams. As I said earlier, I'm trying to expand the "borders" of this game by adding a bit of different content. Planning on adding pics and choices, more actions and events in the future along with new places and dreams
- Rachael fixed and improved some text "here and there" 
Not much, I know. I hope the next update will be much bigger and less painful.
I wish you good luck, people. Luck is all we need;3