Heads up for the incoming release

Hi dudes!

(BTW are there any girls with us? I wonder, out of curiosity. I'll make a poll about it at the end of this post)

So this is just a status report. I'm close to finishing the next update, 0.2.32. It will have two main features - I finally wrote "Play with Alexa" activity, when she's asleep in her room. It's gonna have quiet a lot of good sleepy content in it, i'm pretty sure you guys will like it;)
Additionally, I'm working on a surprise new "feature". It was a popular demand in your private messages, and I wasn't able to give it to you until the game was financed through Patreon. I think it's gonna make game a bit more kinky for some of you;)
The update is coming tomorrow (hopefully)...
I'm doing what I can, but if things will go wrong I might push it to Tuesday. But so far - tomorrow looks very realistic.

So... just dudes?

- I'm a dude
- I'm a dudette
- I'm neither

EDIT: God damn, the polls seem to not work... I'm gonna send this post to SubescribeStar support:(