Change Log Versions 0.29 to 0.20

Changes V 0.29:
  • Xina improved version (only for this new scene by the moment).
  • New sex scene between the Centaur, Rin, and Xina:
    • This new sex scene was build by Subscribers throw some polls.
    • You can start this new scene interacting with Rin after playing the sex scene of the Rex's date with Anastasia.
    • You need to have the NTR turned ON, and have Rin in her female form.
    • You have different content depending on your preferences: smegma, urination, scat.

Fixed bugs V 0.29:
  • A bug caused if you start the sex scene for the date between Anastasia and Rex, while Rex is a female, or while Rin is a male.
  • A bug that freezes the online version of the game in the case of starting with the 'smegma' preference turned ON.
  • An error when the player unlocks new spells with the girl at the park in the case of not having Cloy in her true form, the dialogs windows still show Cloy in her true form, not in her human form.

This version took me three months of work. Its development began on January 3, and ended on March 30. I needed more time than usal because I made this sex scene divided in three parts, and that means a lot of new drawings (more than 25 new assets of 1,024 x 1,024).

Changes V 0.28:
  • Little surprise at the main room of Rex's house (only available on December).
  • Helping icons:
    • The helping icons is an optional feature, you can turn it ON or OFF in the pause menu.
    • Helping icon to let the player know, which buildings are not available.
    • Helping icon to let the player know, where you will exit the current map.
  • Changes to the city map:
    • Stop orb movement when selecting which part of the park you will enter.
    • Center the orb instantly when clicking a building.
    • Map configuration to allow the player to freely move the orb in the city map, by using the right click of the mouse or a double touch (two fingers in the screen at the same time) in the Android version.
  • Improved version of the fitness girl at the park:
    • Rex scene 1 (new drawings)
    • Cloy scene 1 (new drawings for the body writing)
    • Cloy scene 2 (new drawings and completely reworked)
  • Improved colors of male Rex:
    • Frontal view
    • Side view
    • HD face (comments)
  • Improved colors of female Rex:
    • Frontal view
    • Side view
    • HD face (comments)
  • Improved colors of Cloy true form:
    • HD face (comments)
    • Frontal view
  • Improved interaction system (conversations) for all interactions. Previously we had to make clicks over some NPCs to continue their conversations. Now you will be able to click over any place of the screen at any interaction.
  • Improved UI for Cloy's store:
    • The new drawings are new drawings for our sexual energy container, it will change depending on the level of the container (level 1, 2, and 3).
  • Improved UI for weather and Rex' status bars:
    • New drawings for the small icons (sun, moon, and cloud).
  • New dialogs for some NPC's:
    • Cloy have new guide/tips/helping sentences from the beginning to the end of the current version:
    • Cloy have 3 new random sentences depending on Rex's look (showing cock, without shirt, with shirt and pants, female showing pussy, female showing tits, female with clothes): 100%
    • Fitness girl at the park have new dialogs at the beginning of the interaction, depending on Rex's look (showing cock, not showing cock, female showing pussy or tits, female with clothes), and the dayparts (morning, afternoon, night):
    • Ben will have new sentences depending on Rex's look (male showing cock, female showing pussy or tits, female with clothes)
    • Anastasia will have new sentences depending on Rex's look (female showing tits or pussy, female with clothes)

Fixed bugs V 0.28:
  • A bug after playing the scene between Xina and Ben. You had an oportunity of 0.2 seconds to press the Ben's main room's door (while the black screen is displayed), and it breaks the game.
  • A bug that allows the time to advance when trying to enter the nightclub, even when Rex was unable to enter in.
Changes V 0.27:
  • Improved version of the fitness girl at the park:
    • Main model, HD face (for comments), and scene with the female bear.
  • Improved programming for the interactions with the fitness girl at the park:
    • You can use the skip scene button.
    • You can click any space on the screen to continue the scene; before this, you only continue the scene by clicking on that girl.
  • Improved version of the female bear:
    • Main model, HD face (for comments), sleeping at house (pose), Cooking at house (pose), Eating at house (pose), Exercising at home (pose), and scene with the fitness girl at the park.
  • Improved bear's house.
  • New option to give an automatic name to your monsters or your saved games, you will do it with a new button in the corresponding window.
  • The option to play again the sex scene of the date between Rex and Anastasia (you will be able to play it using the Rin's menu in Rex's bedroom).
  • Ending of the date between Rex and Anastasia.
  • New change for sexual scenes, if your monster is at max level, the exp window won't be displayed.
  • New scenes that gives you experience, sex energy, and decrease the energy of your monster:
    • Rin and Centaur.
    • Rin and our monster bull.
  • New feature for the monster's info window - drag and drop.
    • This allow you to move that window to let you see the whole monster in the case you are changing his colors.
    • To move the window, just click/press the window, and move your cursor/finger without unclick/unpress until you have the window in the place you want to.
  • New 'options menu' for the female centaur.
    • Here you can play again the sex scene between Rin and Centaur.
    • Here you can talk with your centaur (18 new dialogs depending if you are male/female, or you are wearing pants/noPants, shirt/noShirt).
    • Here you can see the centaur info, and change her colors.
    • Here you can bring/join her to your team.
  • Change the colors of your monsters depending of your monster's level.
    • Monsters available for this: female centaur, bull, cow, bear, female bear.
    • To do this, you need to interact with the monster you want to change (in their living place). Then you will see a new 'colors' button where you can change his colors.
  • Update the load mode for the Online version.
  • Updated facial expressions (not in comments, in the NPC full body) for the scenes:
    • Birth of the Centaur.
    • New bedroom for our Centaur.

Fixed bugs V 0.27:
  • Rin is displayed giving her back to Hades in the Xina' scenes, and then, her body without head is displayed in the threesome (Rin, Rex, Xina).
  • Rin doesn't always have her purple outfit before starting the gangbang at the park's bathroom.
  • Anastasia's mouth is in a wrong place at the scene where player meets Nyoka, Wydok and Lumiere.
  • The Android and Online version of the game has a issue in the sex scene between Rin and Centaur, the Centaur body has different colors in her body due to the ilumination (problem wiith ilumination).
  • Cloy's body is too big in the Team/Monster world.
  • If you remove more than one team members in the monster world, starting from the bottom, it makes a bug.
  • You were able to load an empty slot in the 'save/load' screen if you don't have any saved slot and that made some bugs, now you can't do it.
  • A bug that allows you to continue moving by a second while talking with Clyde at Ben's house, at the start of the conversation.

This version was initially planned to be released after improving all the content of the girl at the park, including the Cloy scenes, Bear'scenes, and Rex scene, but it took me two months to finish all the points of this list; and improving all her content would take me at least two months more, so I decided to split her improved content in two releases.

Changes V 0.26:

This version was released after three months because it have too many new content in terms of drawings.

Changes V 0.25:
  • Updated the size of the chubby girl shadow when turning into a monster.
  • New sex scene between Lumière in her human form (Anastasia) and Heinrich. To access this scene, you need to talk with Anastasia at the nightclub after having the conversation where she gives you her number, and ask her how she ended up here.

Fixed bugs V 0.25:
  • Add a new programming code to validate (one more time) to don't get the black screen bug after going out of the monster world (mirror).

This version was released after almost two months because: 
  • In certain points of this new sex scene I used an animation technique where you need to do a lot of drawings (31 for a tongue anim and 47 for a throath anim). And that kind of animation takes me more time than an animation where you only play with the same image but changing its properties.
  • I was away from the 17th to the 23rd of March because a family commitment arose.
  • I used a few days to install a Mac OS partition in a free SSD to be able to test the game's Mac version.
Changes V 0.24:
  • Grinadea's team member - Lumière
  • Grinadea's team member - Widok
  • Grinadea's team member - Nyoka
  • Night club owner - Heinrich
  • Heinrich's lover - Lorna
  • Night club employee - Anastasia
  • New map - Night club - Bar. You can visit this place after having the female bear in your team.
  • Story development One - introduction scene for Widok, Lumière and Nyoka.
  • Story development Two - introduction scene for Heinrich, Lorna and Luz.
  • New code for the Cheats Version of the game.
    • This new code will allow the player to unlock some hidden content behind the scenes that doesn't affect the story of the game and isn't a sex scene. 
    • Until now, you only unlock one thing, but this secret content will be increasing in upcoming releases. 
    •  This code is different of the previous codes, this is secret and you will need to find it inside the game, you will know that's the code because it will be writen like this: 
      • English: SCC 01A XXXX
      • French: CST 01A XXXX
      • Spanish: CTS 01A XXXX
    • The first three caps mean 'secret cheat code', the following three tell you the number of the secret code (in this case, the 01) and the part of the code (in this case 'A', the first part); and the last XXXX will tell you the numbers you will need to add in the cheats windows, this numbers will be a total number of six numbers divided into different parts of code.
    • The cheat code of this moment is divided into two parts (A and B), and you will be able to find part A in the new dialogs of this version; part B will be written at some place (wall) of the current maps.
    • When activating this new code, you will unlock something in the centaur's bedroom (not a sex scene, neither more story, only a small easter egg), but you will need to have Rex wearing pants and shirt and activate the code before entering the bedroom.
    • To disable this secret content mode, you only need to add one more time the secret cheat code in the cheats window.
  • Confirmation button at Rin's option menu for: Bathroom, Drink milk.
  • Updated the shadow body when transforming Pepito into a bear, previously that shadow was a random character, not Pepito.
  • The 'twinkling dialog text' option, now enables/disables that animation effect at the 'pause menu' texts, to be easier to understand.
  • Updated design of the 'credits' section of the game, and now that option can be accessed directly from the 'pause menu' in a 'help' button, or it can be open from a new button 'credits' at the 'start menu'. At the same time the option 'music' inside the credits display the license of each music and the direct refference to the creator of the music.
  • Updated the music volume of the song at the start menu.
  • Updated the height of almost every character of the game.

Fixed bugs V 0.24:
  • Fixed bug after completing the DNA mini-game, the bug happened if you press the 'end/finish' button after finishing the mini-game more than one time, it makes different bugs and it can break/freeze the game.
  • Fixed bug when press the 'ok' button after selecting the colors and name for a new monster. The bug happened if you press the 'ok' button more than one time, it makes different bugs and it can break/freeze the game.
  • Fixed bug at the 'change song' method who made different problems when the method was accidentally invoked more than one time at the same moment.

I needed 2.25 months to have this version ready, and it doesn't have a new sex scene, it only have more story, new characters and a new location.

I wanted to release it after creating a new sex scene, but I released it like this because a family commitment emerged, and I will be out since 17th to 23rd of this month. And having a new sex scene ready before the 17th, is crazy! It could end being not as good as I want.
Changes V 0.23:
  • New Monster: Centaur.
  • New sex scene for the Centaur.
  • New scene for the birth of the Centaur.
  • New design for the Park toilets.
  • New design for the Park entry.
  • Secret surprise 1: Two new rooms.
  • Secret surprise 2: Kid form for the Centaur (discarded for the game, more about it inside her post).

Fixed bugs V 0.23:
  • A bug caused when you skip a scene while a background song is changing. The solution was to block the skip option until the song is ready. This bug made a bunch of random errors.

I needed 3.5 months to have this version ready, mainly due the big amount of new drawings:
- 4 maps: park entry, park toilets, two new rooms.
- 4 characters: adult centaur, kid centaur, adult centaur and the other character who is interacting in the sex scene.
Changes V 0.22:
  • Rex is able to walk around the world in his female body.
  • Rex is able to change clothes when is in his female body.
  • Rin's male body.
  • Updated Rin's options menu.
  • Updated the cost of some Rex's scenes to only reduce the energy needed to activate the spells.
  • Now you can pick more milk at the Bull's house after playing the Rex and Cow, sex scene.
  • New scene (not sex scene) where Rin is turned into a man for first time.
  • New sex scene between Rex and Rin:
    • The scene can be played in both sex for Rex and Rin, but it's longer if Rin is in her male body because there are a special stuff for her penis.
    • The scene is played in one way if Rin have her asshole ruined or not; to ruin her asshole you need to play the scene between Rin and our Bull before playing this scene.
    • This scene has optional content (smegma and scat) displayed if you have those options turned ON in your preferences.

Fixed bugs V 0.22:
  • Fixed bug that caused the main menu to doesn't change the music volume.
  • Fixed bug that caused the Bull's house to doesn't load the monsters before opening.

This time the new version should have been released earlier, but the situation of moving from Patreon to Subscribestar took me awhile (some days), and that's why this version was released until now, sorry about it.
Changes V 0.21: 
  • New magic effect drinking the milk of our new Monster Cow.
    • This effect will be able to turn every human character of the game into their oposite gender.
    • By now, Rex will be able to transform his body into a female body and use the female spells in his own body.
    • At this moment you can see this effect only in the new scene, but in the next release you will be able to walk in the world using that form, and new sex scenes will be added in the future to that new Rex form.
  • New NPC for the club place (ready to be used but not yet implemented).
  • New sex scene using the magic effect of the cow milk:
    • All Rex's hairstyles and clothes was addapted to his new female form.
    • This new scene have more than one way to be played: Rex's (male body or female body/bimbo/dirty dick), Cow (chubby or skinny/bimbo/futanari/big or small dick/dirty or clean dick).

Fixed bugs V 0.21:
  • The bug that made the new scene between Rex and our Cow, to be started in a bad way.
  • A bug that made the library song to keep being played even if you leave that place.
  • A bug that made the game to stop working if you made a click over Rin too fast after playing the scene between Rex and Rin at the Rex bedroom.
  • The Rin's face was dirty if you played the blowjob scene after went to the Xina's events.
  • Linux and Mac Os X versions had a bug who makes the cursor size to be huge.
  • Linux and Mac Os X versions had a bug who unables the player to interact with the floor (to walk using your mouse) or interact with any NPC of the game.
Changes V 0.20.2:
  • New sex scene between Rin and the bull:
    • This scene was the winner scene of two Patron polls.
    • Two new sex fetishes inside this scene (one is totally optional and you need activate it in the preferences menu if you want to see it).
    • Those fetishes were selected from this poll. I chose one with a few votes, one with a moderate number of votes, and I'll launch a 0.20.2 version with one fetishe more (having more votes than the other two).
  • Extra stuff for that scene:
    • NTR path (for the upcoming sex scene)
    • Non NTR path (without sex scene)
    • 3 Rin look variations (not related to outfits, related to the end of the sex scene).
  • Improved version of the city minimap.
  • New 'help' button inside the preferences window with an explanation about how each preference will affect the game and what is their meaning.
  • Updated painting of Rin (Face in comments, Rin in the world, Rin in the scene with homeless - second part).
  • Something will happen if Rex sleeps in his bedroom after Rin has the sexual encounter with your bull (if you play with NTR turned ON).
  • Scenes between Rin and bull or Rex and Rin (blowjob) will leave the Rin's face dirty, and that will be kept after you finish the scene.
  • A new option with Rin to ask her to clean her face (to clean the previous dirty-face status).
  • After playing the sex scene between Rin and the bull, the Rin's ass will be wide open. If you play again that scene (with Rin's ass wide open), it will have small changes.
  • A neew option with Rin, to fix her ass.
  • New save/load system. It will allow you to name your slots, you don't have a limit of slots, and you can delete slots (slots = saved files = saved games).
  • The blowjob scene between Rin and Pepito or Rin and Rex has a small change: it now has an animation to move the dick's foreskin at the beginning of the scene.
  • The Linux version (already tested) is available, if you have some problem running it, you can read this post.
  • The Mac OS X version (not tested) is available, if you can play it, please let me know in the comments if you have some issue.

Fixed bugs V 0.20.2:
  • You could leave the park toilets without speaking to Cloy and Rin if you pick the option 'find another way' with the homeless.
  • Rex's position when Rin arrives home, and you see a conversation between Rin, Cloy and Rex was too close to Rin.
  • There is a small bug during the bj scene in the park with the bear, the smegma disappeared and reappeared like a glitch.

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Changelogs Versions 0.19 to 0.16