Changelog Versions 0.19 to 0.16

Changes V 0.19:
  • New scene between Rex and Rin at Rex's bedroom.
  • Rex's Bedroom drawings, point of view: front - bed view.
  • Rex's Bedroom drawings, point of view: up.
  • You will see more info about monster's scenes in the monster world - team button.
  • The scene between Rin/Cloy and the homeless people will give you sexual energy and will rise the Cloy's level in the case you use her.
  • Now, you will see how many sexual energy you get affter each sex encounter who gives you sexual energy.
  • Special scenes will affect your monster energy and level, and those scenes will give you sexual energy.
  • You will see the sexual energy in the status bar (over the energy status bar).
  • You will see the amount of earned sexual energy after scenes that give you sexual energy.
  • New option inside the pause manu, to enable/disable blinking text in dialogs.
  • New José's livingroom.
  • New content after the first scene between Rin and Rex in the library.
  • New small scene (not sex) between Rex and Rin after the previous content.
  • Changes for the 1° Rin's cellphone message.
  • Changes for the 2° Rin's cellphone message (Rin and José scene).
  • Changes in scene after reading the previous message.
  • A new scene between Rin and José that replaces the old scene between Rin and José.
  • Split the main scene into small scenes (more about it, here and here).
  • Now, if you use the toolbars in the game screen, you won't activate objects behind the toolbars.
  • A new drawing of Rex's torso for the 'Cloy and Rex' scene that you can see in Cloy's room.
  • You can turn on the support cursor on the main menu.
  • Now, the game starts with the fast text speed configuration, and the text speed configuration can't be changed anymore.
  • Now, the game starts with the fast speed configuration for Rex.

Fixed bugs V 0.19:
  • Rex's pubic hair is shown even if you aren't naked.
  • Rin's size in the map after the homeless scene.
  • Rin's size in the map after the Rin, Xina, and Rex threesome.
  • City lights for Android and Web GL version.
  • Rin's necklace was hiden in the comments in some cases.
  • In the monster's house the blue orb movement was stoped when you select a monster using the PC cursor, or you make a touch in the Android version.
Changes V 0.18:
  • New extended intro of the game that will bring changes for future versions. You need to start a new game to play it, but your save data is safe and you can load your game without problems.
  • New sex scene between Rin and Rex in the new extended intro.
  • New location - Library.
  • New Rex's outfit - Librarian.
  • This new outfit is included in your wardrobe but due to a few changes to the wardrobe system, your previous saved outfits in your saved games are not available so you will see the default outfit when you load your game, but you can make again your outfit and it can be saved.
  • Updated special scenes window to make it easy to understand, now the button to start the scenes is in the bottom of the window and it looks like a normal button.

Fixed bugs V 0.18:
  • Minor changes in Rex's walking animation and drawings for the same animation. 
Changes V 0.17:
  • New scene between Rex and Cloy, available after the events in the Ben's house as a special scene in the option 'I wanna fuck!' with Cloy.
  • New Cloy's Bedroom!
  • New design for the empty room at Rex's house.

Fixed bugs V 0.17:
  • Fixed bug 1: selecting the bull with the girl in the park.
  • Fixed bug 2: the second scene of the chubby girl had two tennis layers in the left foot and one layer didn't change of color.
  • Fixed bug 3: the game will freeze if you only have monsters that haven't scenes with the woman in the park (cows and bull).
  • Fixed bug 4: if you have in the window 'Team' two cows together (in button 2 and 3 or 3 and 4), then you open that window, and now you remove the monster in the button 1 and open the window again, the body colors of the first cow will be displayed in the second cow the first time you open that window.
Changes V 0.16.5:
  • Updated design of Cloy
  • New design for Rex
  • Updated wardrobe system in the Rex's bedroom
  • Now you have the option to change hairstyle, beard and mustache for Rex
  • Updated the Rex of the scenes: "Rex's with girl of the park" and "Rex's with Rin and Xina"
  • Change in the scene between Rin and Hades, the game over will return you at the entry of Ben's house and you can continue playing since that point
  • Load mode for the "Web GL / Online" version of the game
  • Now the spell that Cloy use with the chubby girl is in the Cloy's store

Next page - Changelogs Versions 0.29 to 0.20