EDIT: project secured
If you've followed this SS for a little while, then you may know I've had a high dollar goal listed, which is to confess to my partner what I've been doing since the pandemic to make up for lost wages. That amount started at $1000/mo and then dropped to $850/mo; still, that number remains elusive.
We're now coming upon four years since I started this project, and currently it now occupies half my time with my girlfriend, and every year that passes it takes up a larger proportion of our time together.
I don't care that much about marriage, but I know she does. And I'll do that to make her happy. But I can't marry her with this deception hanging over us. And I fear that the longer I allow this deception to go on, the worse it will be when it finally comes time to come clean.
And that time is "before the year is up".
The reason I based my confession goal on income was that the project would become known to her with a significant income attached to it, as opposed to me doing it for free or for some paltry compensation, at which she would surely balk and judge me a moron, and rightfully so. But if it's bringing in a decent amount of cash, then I think it would be harder to dismiss.
The amount coming in right now is certainly not paltry, but not significant either (compared to expenses where I live).
Look, I love this project. In my "normal life" I am somewhat a public figure. I don't get to say what I think and feel very often, especially regarding society and politics, for example. I have to be nice to people that I don't like, because people are counting on me to hold things together, and I can't do that if I make enemies. And that means I suppress myself. Bloodshift is a space meant to be hidden, only meant for certain eyes (yours), and a space where I can express myself in ways I can't anywhere else. A space where I can take the addiction that has ruled my life-- mostly for ill-- and turn that vice into something productive.
But I love my partner more. And if she wants me to stop, I will stop. If she judges what I'm making not good enough, then it's over.
And yet I know sacrificing this project means losing some part of myself. Maybe I'll be better that way; I don't know. But if nothing else, I don't want to let down the people who have believed in me and supported me all this time.
So, what I'm asking for is this (and I am no good at asking for help, let alone money):
1. If you're not a Subscriber now, please do so. Even just temporarily. Let me show her a good number.
2. If you're a current Subscriber, perhaps think about upping your pledge, especially if you're in the lower tier (the jump isn't as much). Again, even temporarily, to give this project its best chance at survival.
3. Whether you're a Subscriber or not, the game could really use some positive reviews. I get plenty of fair criticism, but also a lot of unfair criticism on F95, and lots of people hating on me in LewdCorner for mere fact that it uses real porn. They literally comment in my thread just to say they won't play it.
And yes, if there is more money coming in, I will produce faster. I will treat the additional funds just like any other: put it towards the next release goal. So if you want Digimona and Lia sooner, I'll make it happen.
I know I'm basically begging for money here. But this project could be on the chopping block. Maybe it won't actually matter-- maybe she'll think it's great, paltry income be damned. In that case, great. But if not, then we will sadly part ways.
Regardless I thank you for all the kind support. It has not been trivial; it has been life saving money when I still have little. And it has been my pleasure to create for you something that you enjoy. For that, I am grateful.
If you've followed this SS for a little while, then you may know I've had a high dollar goal listed, which is to confess to my partner what I've been doing since the pandemic to make up for lost wages. That amount started at $1000/mo and then dropped to $850/mo; still, that number remains elusive.
We're now coming upon four years since I started this project, and currently it now occupies half my time with my girlfriend, and every year that passes it takes up a larger proportion of our time together.
I don't care that much about marriage, but I know she does. And I'll do that to make her happy. But I can't marry her with this deception hanging over us. And I fear that the longer I allow this deception to go on, the worse it will be when it finally comes time to come clean.
And that time is "before the year is up".
The reason I based my confession goal on income was that the project would become known to her with a significant income attached to it, as opposed to me doing it for free or for some paltry compensation, at which she would surely balk and judge me a moron, and rightfully so. But if it's bringing in a decent amount of cash, then I think it would be harder to dismiss.
The amount coming in right now is certainly not paltry, but not significant either (compared to expenses where I live).
Look, I love this project. In my "normal life" I am somewhat a public figure. I don't get to say what I think and feel very often, especially regarding society and politics, for example. I have to be nice to people that I don't like, because people are counting on me to hold things together, and I can't do that if I make enemies. And that means I suppress myself. Bloodshift is a space meant to be hidden, only meant for certain eyes (yours), and a space where I can express myself in ways I can't anywhere else. A space where I can take the addiction that has ruled my life-- mostly for ill-- and turn that vice into something productive.
But I love my partner more. And if she wants me to stop, I will stop. If she judges what I'm making not good enough, then it's over.
And yet I know sacrificing this project means losing some part of myself. Maybe I'll be better that way; I don't know. But if nothing else, I don't want to let down the people who have believed in me and supported me all this time.
So, what I'm asking for is this (and I am no good at asking for help, let alone money):
1. If you're not a Subscriber now, please do so. Even just temporarily. Let me show her a good number.
2. If you're a current Subscriber, perhaps think about upping your pledge, especially if you're in the lower tier (the jump isn't as much). Again, even temporarily, to give this project its best chance at survival.
3. Whether you're a Subscriber or not, the game could really use some positive reviews. I get plenty of fair criticism, but also a lot of unfair criticism on F95, and lots of people hating on me in LewdCorner for mere fact that it uses real porn. They literally comment in my thread just to say they won't play it.
And yes, if there is more money coming in, I will produce faster. I will treat the additional funds just like any other: put it towards the next release goal. So if you want Digimona and Lia sooner, I'll make it happen.
I know I'm basically begging for money here. But this project could be on the chopping block. Maybe it won't actually matter-- maybe she'll think it's great, paltry income be damned. In that case, great. But if not, then we will sadly part ways.
Regardless I thank you for all the kind support. It has not been trivial; it has been life saving money when I still have little. And it has been my pleasure to create for you something that you enjoy. For that, I am grateful.