It's all coming together! PUBLIC Poll - September

Well, it might have taken all of my free time last week, but it finally got back to working order... well, working enough. That's right, I'm talking about the Skyrim Sexlab/Devious mods! It ended up requiring a new start with a complete upgrade to the latest version and turning off a mod that caused the existence of goats to break. That's right, goats! What a journey that was... I've spent so many evenings on it that I almost don't want to play it anymore! XD

How do you like your announcements?!

This Friday, for Sadomasochist and BDSM Enthusiast tier subscribers only, I will be showing off what I've been up to on Lust Knight Lisa in September and all of the exciting things you can expect with the second set of levels (along side some of Zin's enemy designs), but a lot of you reading this might not know about my exciting next game. So, I am wondering if you prefer to have something announced early to build hype, or if you'd rather the big announcement is held off until it's almost released?