Saturday update- July 18, 2020

Sorry that this is running late, but it is being posted on a Saturday, in at least one of the time zones. But this shouldn’t matter since as I am posting this nobody knows who I am.

Good news, I have finished my first project. The one that introduces me to the world, and could get me 3 fans. But while it is ready to go, I want to make sure there are bonus images available, especially for my future supporters. I want to do something extra for them.
Updated Gamer Girl
But then I spilled a drink on my keyboard, and suddenly everything went bonkers. I had to crawl under my desk to unplug the keyboard from the computer. And then I had to undo all the crazy things my wet keyboard did. Seriously it was like I got a crazy virus that took over my system.

I then spent the next few hours dealing with trying to save the keyboard, and undoing all the things my wet keyboard did. I would go into details, but I doubt you want to hear it all. I think my keyboard is saved, but I am not sure how far I should trust it. I plan on testing out each keystroke. A few of the keys are lighting up wrong. 

Anyway, back to my first project, I also wanted to run it by a few other developers who helped me along the way, and see what they think of it. I may not do anything else with it, unless they find a major error with it. 

I plan on working on making sure this project is out there for the public, and make sure my pages are set up properly to display it anywhere it is available. Pretty much And a way to distribute the early releases to my supporters.

Anyway, this should be up before next week. And I will then start the work on Project 2. I will probably try to get a month of work on it before announcing what I am working on to the public. There is already a hint for supporters in one of my posts.