Dead Sleeps! Oh boy do I need some coffee to fight off this sleepiness. It's brewing as I type and it can't brew fast enough! It's not my fault though, I picked up Dead Cells from the Steam sale a few weeks ago and I JUST HAVE TO DO ONE MORE RUN! Or alternatively, I'm in the zone and can't quit mid-run. Who needs sleep anyways, when you have PREVIEW WEEK!

That's right, it's back... kind of. As a subscriber bonus on Patreon, one user had their OC replace on of the Battle Card art (Spirit Submission), so this week's preview will be of that. Neat!

Male Protagonist?!

So, one of the ideas I had for a side project was to explore a engine called Easy FPS Editor which looks to be a old school Doom style FPS creation tool. An idea that I had to have some fun with it would be a character dropped into a maze where the enemies are trying to bimboify you, and you're trying to bimboify them first and escape being the only one who isn't a slutty, sex-crazy bimbo. This would result in MtF transformation, obviously, if I went with a male protag (to try something different).

I can't promise anything will come of it, since Lustfall and LKL are my priorities, but I was wondering if a male protagonist/playable character would be something that fans of my work are thirsty for.