This is a list of things I desire to create! Supporting me here helps me make these things a reality!

Planned Projects:

Animation Anim Progress Models Model Progress Future Ideas
Small Pred Anim 40% Gushy 0% Regular Comics? (I have a few ideas)
Collar Catch 10% Dragon Base 30% Expansion of the world Gushy and other characters live in
Going Down 25-40% Public Anthro model? (Voted on?) 0% Introduction and usage of some of my other characters that have been neglected
Wolf and Weasel (Comm) 0% Daily animations? (I'll want some Rigs of my own characters first)
I've had an idea to make a comic where you guys choose what path/actions the character takes and turn that into a sort of choose your own adventure thing. I think that would be so fun

These larger projects will have WIPs and Previews posted about here on SubscribeStar as I work on them.

-This list will be updated and likely it will grow as I think of new things which I can talk about while in progress.

-Future Ideas are things I have thought about for a while and may or may not be tossed into the mix depending on interest and how much funding I can get from here to pursue some of these larger more time consuming ideas.