A message for our Patreon supporters.

Hi all. 

As I'm sure most of you know by now, Patreon has opted to remove the Galaxy of Scum page from their platform. This news came without warning or indication from Patreon themselves, with a brief automated email and little in the way of feedback to my responses or appeals towards this decision. Over the last few months, we have tried our best to stay in compliance with Patreon's T&Cs (including the removal of over 100 original content pieces) as their rules further tighten, unfortunately, it was not enough. From what I have heard, NSFW content of any sort may soon not have a place on the platform as they move to become more mainstream and generic.

For those of you who have already migrated from Patreon to SubscribeStar, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, these last few days have been a mixture of anger, confusion, and depression, so to see so many of you already joining gives me immense hope.

Now some of you may have questions, so I have included a brief rundown of what to expect in our new home as we go through this adjusting period.

Will I be billed on Patreon anymore?
No. Since our page has been removed, so will your billing.

Can I access the Discord Exclusive channels through SubscribeStar?
Yes! SubStar has its own integrated discord bot which will allow you to access the channels seamlessly.

Will you still be uploading content monthly?
We shall, but slightly less at first. The Patreon was our main revenue stream, and with its loss, our ability to produce as much content as before has been hit hard. We will still be uploading pages and bonus art every month, but until we get back to where we were, there will be less, so if you love this series and what we make, your subscription matters more now than ever.

Can I use PayPal on SubscribeStar?
No. SubStar has multiple options including debit and credit cards that allow for seamless subscription and even less service fees!

Closing statement.
The NSFW landscape is changing, and dozens of creators, including myself have been kicked off the platform for draconian reasons and for the sake of Patreon's shareholders. Despite many of these creators being the reason behind Patreon's success, I will not be surprised if more are removed in the coming months as the pressure mounts. As a grassroots, self-funded series, we rely on all the support we can get to produce our work and we will endeavor forth to ensure this remains the case, they can't shut us down that easily.

More pages and content coming in July! (Thank god I prepared) I hope to see you all here! 

- Cryo.