Progress Report #120: June 2024

Hi everyone,

Another week flown by, and we’re back with the latest news on our game's progress. Let's check out what the team has been upto in this one.

Foremost, STEAM Summer Sale is in fully swing! We whipped up some sizzling new promotional art for the event to celebrate VoidBound's first sale since the EA launch. Grab it while it’s hot!

Additional work is being done on the restrained art for the Tripteen boss battle. These new changes will add an extra layer of intensity to the encounter!

In response to player feedback, we also decided to make a few graphical tweaks to various standing arts. While subtle, it's our hope that the changes would be positively noticeable!

SpaceOrc Quest Status: We’re thrilled to share that our writers went all out and finished the draft outlines for the Orc Side Quest! We can't wait for the story arc of this exotic creatures to come to life in-game.

Brace for some Quality of Life updates! We’re quickly working through the game adding more sparkling animations to interact-able events/objects, so players can easily spot them.

Simultaneously, we’ve enhanced the visibility of various events in the Henosis Embassy and Xaide, making them easier to discover and interact with.

A new plugin has been crafted that'll now display the name of the location when entering the area.

Finally, as part of our ongoing efforts, we’ve implemented multiple balancing tweaks to various facets of the combat to make the experience more snappy.

And that’s it for this week’s progress report. Stay tuned for a fresh batch of updates and developments next month!

As always, we welcome your thoughts and suggestions.

Kind Regards,

Cursed-Atelier Team

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