New Update: Lust'n'Farm Version 2.5 (Early Access) !

Hello everyone !
A lot has been accomplished with version 2.5 across various areas, even if it might not be immediately apparent ! 
Firstly, regarding progress on the stable version : my brief collaboration with someone on this subject reminded me why I initially wanted to work alone on my project. I won't go into details, but I'll soon be able to adapt the game without the problematic plugin. I hope this will be completed by the next update, but I'm not sure. I'll keep you informed within two weeks. It’s possible the next update might take a bit longer to release.
In terms of new features, I've started creating a new system that will be significantly developed : short animated scenes
Currently, the game has a good number of "classic" animated scenes, each containing around thirty animations, complete with a menu to switch between them. I value this system because it allows players to fully appreciate the scene, but it is complicated and time-consuming to create.
Don't get me wrong, I plan to keep this system ! 
However, the problem is that it doesn't allow me to fully exploit the possibilities of this universe. The short scenes will add a bit of spice and help transition more smoothly from "gameplay" phases to "excitation" phases without too much of a drop in between. This is an experiment, and I'm eager to hear your feedback ! Good or bad !
Update Details:
Bug Fixes:
  • The event of Debbie's invitation by Lisa should no longer loop.
  • More fixes for Irina.
  • Added sounds to all scenes featuring Ninie!

Thank you again for your support !
Stay tuned for more updates !

Public Release (2.4) :