Poll Results

gofile - https://gofile.io/d/AnhO6L

The results are in.

The winner is as I expected. Kokopuff is naturally the most popular of these three, since before the Remake gave us a proper model, Kokoro was often used as a Tifa stand-in. And we all know how popular Tifa is. The only other thing is that I'm surprised about is that Christie managed to eek out Leifang, but I'm willing to bet if it was a head-to-head, a lot of the people who voted Kokoro would vote Leifang rather than Christie. Presumably, anyway. Regardless, while it won't be happening just yet, starting next month will be a series of Loser polls. First FF, then Misc, then DOA. Sayuri, Nagisa, Leifang, and Christie will be going head to head to see who the ultimate loser is of the four.
I did briefly considered switching things up somewhat. Namely having two separate votes, where the 2nd placers in the original poll go up against each other, and then the 3rd placers in the original poll go up against each other, but that's more effort so I'll just be going for the same format as last time.1st gets two animations, 2nd and 3rd get one animation, and 4th gets nothing. Anyway, until next time.