125 - The New Guest Story is OUT!

Hi bros! How is everyone doing? Fantastic? Great? Wonderful? Having the best day ever? The best week ever maybe? Or the best month/year ever??! What a coincidence: ME TOO!!! Everything is great and wonderful and I am looking towards the future wondering what wonderful surprises life has in stock for us all! Surely it will be something amazing!

No I did not take any drugs before sitting down to write this post. Well I did drink some coffee but I don't think it counts. In fact I KNOW it does not count because it was a damn good coffee but I barely feel any effects of it. Damn, even the coffee is not what it used to be... Back in my day a cup of coffee would give you an alert state, shaky hands and hard pp.

Ignore the intro. I couldn't figure out how to start the post so I though maybe I should make it a bit less depressing then usual, just for the heck of it :)
New guest story! The new guest story: "Blue Balls and Necromancy" is out. I updated the files on https://akabur.itch.io/sc34 so just go there and download the version 10.03 of the game. Don't expect too much, this is just a fun little story to give you something to chew on while I work on Ep11. 

And that's it. Thank you for you support. I hope this will be a decent week for everyone. Stay strong, stay safe but more importantly: stay cool and keep playing my games. Hugs and kisses <3