Momiji Animations

Miji. Haven't done a proper set with her, like, ever. And I actually really like Momiji, I just never got around to feeling inspired to do a set with her for one reason or another. That has changed today, where this is a pretty sizable and decent set for her. I'll be upfront with it, this set was very strongly inspired by pockYin's still fantastic Momiji animation from back around when I first started posting my stuff. To the point I remade it myself, which actually happened quite some time ago. I had posed it last year just as practice, but after my impromptu 'break' at the beginning of the year, I spent a good few weeks doing a whole lot of nothing animation-wise, and I just kept returning to that animation and my still recreation. So, out of an attempt to do something without thinking too hard on what to do, I started recreating that animation. It was quite therapeutic and helped me 'get back into it' so to speak, but I didn't finish it at the time, and I intended it to just never see the light of the day. Since recreating someone else's animation always felt very weird for me to do, but since he hasn't posted in years, and it helped me through dark times, AND it fit with the set I ended up creating, I decided to include it. It serves as a tribute to a great animator that isn't around anymore. And at the end of the day, my version is worse anyway.

Beyond that, no clue if the next post will be two weeks or longer. Don't have anything lined up at the moment, but I sometimes get spurts of motivation. And past that, Chun-Li's poll animations + a new DOA poll will go up tomorrow. Would have gone up today, but didn't want to immediately bury a post.