Poll Results

gofile - https://gofile.io/d/7BRxtN

The results are in, and it was actually closer than I think some people might assume.

For a long time, they were all within spitting distance of one another in terms of points, but Chun-Li did eventually pull ahead and cement the victory. Regardless, like before, Xiahou Ji and Nina will both be added to a future 'Loser Poll', where four losing characters battle it out for a second chance. Winner gets two animations, 2nd and 3rd place get one. Only one will not get something. So something to look forward to, I suppose.

Beyond that, not much to say. Was on 'break' since Yukari did take a bit out of me, but I have started on the next set, so hopefully that will be done by next week. Not gonna be anything huge like the Yukari set, but it'll still be nice I think.