Progress Report #115: May 2024 ♨️

Hi Everyone!

It's finally here- VoidBound's official Early Access launch on Steam is now mere hours away! 🥂

Before we dive in to this Progress Report for this pivotal week, we want to truly thank you for all of your support over these past few years. We are so happy to be able to celebrate this huge milestone with this amazing community consisting of wonderful people like you.

Your wishlists and reviews help us tremendously! Please leave your thoughts and share your feedback on the game, we would much appreciate it. ❤️

In this week's art news, we have updated some of the art pieces for Caly in the introduction.

The Warden's spicy H scene is now finished. Whoever designed these automatons cranked their ero settings to the max and then broke the knob. Caly can only take so much 🙀

Our writers have made several changes to the introduction to provide better context on what is happening to Earth while Caly is light years away 🌐

In addition, we've edited the Warden's in-battle dialogue to help players identify different strategies for defeating the target, making combat more intuitive and engaging.

We have also been cleaning the texts editing out spelling/grammatical errors that we find.

Coding for Warden Scene has been successfully implemented! 🖾 On top of that, we’ve updated the Warden fight to be more challenging and engaging.

Additionally, our coders continued addressing numerous bugs and made balancing adjustments for both combat and navigation.

Finally, we’ve implemented the Space Map, that will allow players to revisit areas they have already been. 🌌 More details soon!

And that is it for this one. Moving forward, your feedback will be more important than ever to continue improving the game together!

Kind Regards,

Cursed-Atelier Team

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