Yukari Animations + Poll Results

gofile - https://gofile.io/d/JYjIRi
gofile(poll animations) - https://gofile.io/d/sJF9Gr

A combination post, since I didn't feel like making two. First off, Yukari animations. I went a little wild with these, since Persona is ripe with scenarios to be used. I could have easily come up with several more possible settings/situations to be done with Yukari alone, but I held off since I was already going overboard. This is just my first real foray into Persona, so I was extra motivated. Yukari is a good 'entry point', honestly. I was always waffling with who should be first, so once I settled on her it was like taking off the training weights and getting a speed boost so to speak. I will say that these are rendered in 4k, mostly by accident. Anime stuff renders pretty quick, so I didn't notice I was rendering at 4k until about seven renders deep and at that point I was just like 'well, might as well'.

As for what comes next... not sure. I finished these and have been kind of brain dead, so I'm gonna take a small break in terms of regular releases to sort of recharge and figure out what I want to work on next. It won't be more Persona, since I don't want to flood too much of one thing, but I'd like to do more Persona this year. But I've got a lot of things I'd like to do this year that I probably won't be able to get to, so I'm just taking things one thing at a time.

For the poll, the winner is...

Jihl. The results are as follows.

Going into this poll, I expected Ifalna to win. And she almost did, at least in terms of pure number of votes. But she lost by quite the margin when it comes to total points. How the cookie crumbles sometimes. At the very least, Ifalna will be guaranteed an animation from the Loser poll. Since, let's be real here. Gladiolus has no chance. He did get more votes than I expected(5 more than my proposed 8), but unless more people jump aboard the troll train in favor of Kyrie, Lulu, and Ifalna, I can't see him getting enough to get third place. So there's that. The FF Loser poll will probably be in July, though. Since next month will be a DOA poll, then the following will be the FF loser poll.

Anyway, that's about all I've got for today. Poll will also be slightly delayed(just a couple days) since the first poll was delayed, and I need some time to whip up some Jihl stuff, AND rig the three characters for the upcoming poll. It's a bit of a doozy. I'm actually not sure who will win this one, since it's probably gonna be a 1v1 in the end but I'm not sure which of the two will prevail. Though, for all I know the third character will be the dark horse and win. Life is funny like that, sometimes.