Chapter 1 - Ardem - Summary

I'm going to call months as "Chapters" now...
Well, first tribe is done, the lewdest one, and now I have a structural example to follow for the next seven: One Key Artwork (pure SFW with a lovely couple); One Standard Artwork with 2 SFW variants (female/futale) and at least 6 NSFW variants; Four Affinity Artworks with 2 SFW variants (female/futale) and 2-6 NSFW variants per each; and Reference Sheets too.
For example this months it is going to be 11 SFW Variants, 22 NSFW variants, and 7 Reference sheets.
Sadly because I failed with the original Feet Affinity Artwork and re-done it, no more time left to make another, "interesting" one, so it is going to be just 6 Artworks per month for now...

I  settled with my style too: I'm so tired of erasing my dear lovely lineart, so now it stays on.

I also didn't post much lore this first month, but should do more in May.

Last thing is sneaking-peeking at May: