Bugfix 30:

Cho Masters, the Clown Girl (Quest):
+ Added fucking the clown
+ Added Lucky Lollipop carnival
+ Added mime sex

Depths of Mont Creek (Quest):
+ Minor edits to questline
+ Quest tracking added
- Currently unfinished after the riots in Mont Creek die down

Monarchy of Mont Creek (Quest):
+ Minor edits to questline
+ Quest tracking added

Portal Sex:
+ If you took the Kidnapper's lair for yourself and completed "Cho Masters, the Clown Girl" quest you can have sex toys made of you by the Kidnapper
+ You can give toys to Sam and Percy
+ You can randomly be fucked using said toys

Sewer Lair:
+ Edits to sewer lair slaves

+ Added women propositioning you to a few other bars

+ Anal scenes added