Public Posts Archive/公開帖傳送門

Posts Date
Sex Doll Certificate/性玩偶認證 02-04-2021
Strolling in the capital/在首都散步 01-20-2021
Please don't notice it/拜託不要發現 01-07-2021
Warm Drink/熱飲 12-26-2020
Present/禮物 12-11-2020
Reusable bag/環保購物袋 11-28-2020
Bonding Time/增進感情 11-12-2020
Welcome/歡迎光臨 10-23-2020
Self Training/自我練習 08-27-2020
Location of recipes/藥水譜的位置 08-13-2020
Freya's Potion Shop 08-13-2020
New Girl/新人 07-31-2020
Testing see through potion/測試透視藥水 07-22-2020
Freya's Profile/芙蕾雅的人設 07-09-2020
Rouge's Cafe/露玖咖啡廳 06-24-2020
Yumei's Profile/夢伊人設 06-07-2020
A large amount of order/大量訂單 05-28-2020
Testing~ 05-27-2020