Heya. Still plodding along on the pain the ass scenes. Almost done with the one I'm working on, then one left to go, though it's biggest one in terms of amount of characters. After that, I should be able to focus on breaking up scenes into more manageable amounts of characters, which will speed up the process.

There's a lot of word vomit in the episode as well, and I think it's going to end up being longer than the average episode, even with me cruising through some arcs at lightning speed. With all of this in mind, I've decided to scale things back a bit character-wise and won't be introducing any more wrestlers beyond what you've seen in some of the previews in some of the Christmas cards. If I feel I need more, I can always add them later.

Onto a different topic, our polls for who the currents NSFW champions are have concluded and so congratulations go out to Bill (Grimm) for being the current Hardcore Champion, Malice and Mayhem for being the current Tag-Team Champions, and Bonnie Gunn has gotten her hands on the NSFW World Championship and is in a position to really stir shit up when the shows officially start in episode 3.

And over on the Discord server, the tournament for "Miss NSFW 2024" is almost at an end! As of this posting, there will be a little over a day left to get your votes in for the final two match-ups to determine who get the gold, silver, and bronze! Currently April and May are facing off to see who gets the bronze, and Rebecca and Sarah are going head-to-head to see who takes the gold and who will have to settle for silver! Head on over and cast your votes!

I think that does it for now. I'm waiting on my mouse to be delivered so I can work without getting pissed off at all of the open windows minimizing at random times when I click on something. Believe me... it's super fucking hilarious the tenth time in a row in happens. HA HA HA! SO FUNNY!

Anyway, here's a shot of Boom-Boom in her new WCS shirt: