April Development Update

Hello All,
I just realized that it's been a while since my last update report but in this case, I think it's a good thing.
  • Well, the side-project 8 Days with the Diva is complete, and that's my first finished product. A little bit of an achievement.

  • Stellar Incognita v0.9.0 is ready to go and I can say that v1.0.0 is almost there, making this game my second complete product very soon. But I'm not ready to let go of the Stellar Incognita world just yet, so I am doing some preliminary design work and revisiting all the ideas I had for story branches that I left on the cutting room floor (so to speak).

  • But mainly, it's been full steam ahead with Heroes of Celtica. I've planned out all the major story beats, so I roughly know how the game will end. One thing Stellar Incognita taught me is that it's important to have a structure. The difference is that Stellar Incognita ran wild but Celtica will have much more defined story paths. This however means a lot of variations, as you can have the same adventure, but with different people in your party (so things will play out differently). That's how I want to do it, (but it's going to take extra time and work).

  • One of the things that helped Stellar Incognita go smoothly was that I had a buffer of work pre-prepared (so it always gets released on schedule). I want to do that now with Celtica to really lay the foundation of the project releases moving forward.