Development Quirk Story 

So here is a fun little quirk about Daz3d that I managed to figure out before it became an issue, but something you might find annoying like did. Daz3d has something called GeoShells which are like textures applied on top of the character's normal textures they are pretty cool and can add a lot of little details to a character, however applying these can get very temperamental, specifically if you move your character too far away from the centre of the environment.

And it actually seems like it depend on the amount/type of GeoShell as when I was making first date I was able to move Guy and Sam quite far but with this character for example it breaks pretty fast once moved from the middle.

This is lucky something I manged to figure out from a quick google search petty easily and early so it never messed up too many of my renders, but something to be aware of.

One trick for how to work around this in a very large scene where the character are moving quite far it to actually leave your character in the middle and move the surrounding map instead.

Example of the how the character breaks when they are too far away.
(Btw, this is not a character for Project FQ, just a mock-up for a future story idea. She was previously shown in my Halloween post dressed as Cammy)