Poll Results + Ramble

gofile - https://gofile.io/d/jlAgZJ
Results for the loser's poll are in.

Taki ended up taking the victory by a fairly large margin in terms of points, but she lost the war in terms of popularity by a slim margin. Rather interesting. However, since this is a unique poll to begin with, I'm gonna change things up since I'm a fickle overlord and since I apparently like to give myself extra work. I'm going to do two animations for Taki, and then one animation for both second and third place. They're losers no longer. While last place will be a 'super loser', and when I finally accumulate four super losers, I will have a super loser poll to determine who is the ultimate loser. And if somehow I get four ultimate losers, I will hold a poll for the ultimate losers to determine the supreme overlord of losers. So, look for that I guess.

As for my ramble, it's not related to animations. It's not even that relevant to anything in general, I just wanted to ramble about something in particular. As you know, I have played Dragon's Dogma 2 recently, and while this isn't an actual review of it, I wanted to talk about something near and dear to me. Dragons. Dragons are cool. Like, really cool. They're big flying lizards that breathe fire, live for centuries or millenia, hoard treasure, and are(often) wise, smart and powerful. What's not to like about them? But one thing I've always thought about dragons is that despite being really freaking cool... most dragons in games suck. So many of them are just mooks at the end of the day. They're big lizards that scream and shoot fire. You whack at their feet and then they die. They almost never feel like a real intimidating presence. They're just either 'mid-boss' or 'final boss' fodder, without really feeling like a major threat.

But that's one thing Dragon's Dogma, I feel, does right. I wish both DD1 and DD2 had more of the dragon, because Grigori in the 1st, and the 'Dragon' in the 2nd are some of the coolest dragons I've personally seen. They are what I think of when I think of dragons. They may be the most '1st Edition Dungeons and Dragon Red Dragon' Dragons ever put into a video game, but I love it. The scale of the dragon in DD is massive. One person is about the size of one of the dragon's fingers. Not to mention it's an actual DRAGON. And yes, I am one of those people who will go "Umm... ackshually that's a WYVERN" when I see someone call a "wing-on-the-arms" wyvern a dragon. Skyrim doesn't have dragons. It has wyverns. I know it's semantics and not something most people care about, but dammit I like four legged + two winged dragons more than two leg + two hand/winged wyverns. But just compare Grigori with Alduin from Skyrim. Seeing Grigori standing there with his wings looming over him is way cooler than seeing a lizard bat. Which is what wyverns are.

And speaking of Alduin, he's supposed to be the "World Eater", and he's just the same as all the mook dragons you encounter throughout Skyrim, with just a few 'shouts' you have to use to make him land. Don't even think he's bigger than the rest of the dragons. Whereas DD's dragon is so big, he could pick Alduin up with one of his hands and crush him. When it comes to the coolness of a dragon, size does matter. And most dragons are always just kind of... not that imposing? You fight other creatures the same size, a lot of times. But in DD and DD2, you fight a lot of big creatures. Cyclops, Drakes, Griffins, Chimeras, etc. And you kind of get used to seeing a big creature like that. They're big, you gotta climb around, but you get used to it. Then you encounter the dragon and all of a sudden one of its legs is as big as that Cyclops you had to fight twenty of in the game. It really sells the sense of scale well, and though the fights aren't the most mechanically interesting, or even the most 'cool fight ever' in video games, I genuinely think they're the coolest dragon fights in a game. Flaccid dick from Elden Ring might be more flashy with a teleporting dragon with big lasers and the like, but at the end of the day you're just smacking its butt with a sword like everything else in that game. It doesn't feel like a grand moment of fighting off an otherworldly dragon. I dunno, I just have this image of a dragon in my head, and the closest thing I've seen to that image is Dragon's Dogma.

At this point, the ramble is getting repetitive, so I'll end it there. But I did do an image of the Dragon from DD2 since I like the dragon so much. I must warn you, however, of what you are about to see. Avert thine eyes, pitiable reader, for I doth possess the power to etch immortal images into thy mind. And mine images cannot be undone easily, for they are cursed images containing the most unholy of magicks. If ye wishes to be spared, ye must not venture forth, for here there be dragons... dragging deez nuts all over yo face! Gottem!

>me when I gottem with an elaborate deez nuts joke
Dragon? More like get "DABBED ON"!