Young Maria v6.1.0! Bad Dragon? Why not

Hello, my friends! I finally found the strength to fight my laziness and slow Internet (it took me ages to upload this version...)
So, I spent a lot of time finding the bug, that causes so many errors. Middlewared had no problems at all, so I updated Twine and SugarCube version to his. I think this will help. Give me feedback, please.
If you wanted to compare the two versions, I added version 6.0.0 to the download folders. 

UPD 6.1.0
- Updated Twine and Sugarcube (this may fix some serious bugs - it worked for me and Middlewared)
- Fixed time and day change
- Fixed some beach bug
- Fixed the intoxication bug. Middlewared found two above and this one, btw
- Talking about the beach: now you can't swim or take a sunbath after 7 PM
- Added pics to the window scene and added a small (30%) chance that your neighbor will look at you a bit longer, letting you tease him (requires 30 or more corruption points)
- Now you can buy Bad Dragons dildos! Gain 70 points of corruption and go to the Laptop
- Then go to the Masturbation section in Laptop and choose new options to try them out!
- As always, some typos were fixed

Well, I hope you'll like it and everything will work better than before. See you next weekend!

P.S.: You see that I work worse than before, I know this. Please, wait till this crazy situation in the world stop. I'll return to normal quite soon after this;3