Phase 2: Stories!

Well - I've officially been back for a whole month, tested my ability to put out art consistently work to a schedule and got pretty far in my to-do list for creating the custom stuff I want to make scenes look extra delicious. Next step is going on to Stories and The Tales of Interest. We've had a few shorts already, but not really narrated, it's time for one of the heavy hitters.
- And I'm going to pick a surprise one to start.

I  don't want to approach it the same way as last time for several reasons. A full episode takes a lot of time and effort and things can come up to delay that. Everyone waiting a month or more for a huge full episode of 150-200 narrated panels with sometimes very little between because my whole focus has been finishing a episode to a deadline.

What I will be doing is publishing 20 panels at a time, when they are ready - no deadlines, but i will announce progress on the right under a pinned post.
This workload should be manageable, and if not so be it,. I'm still having issues with the beta blockers leaving me fuzzy some days, but general ability to focus on task is good. Lets have a go.