"Preparations" (Final Fantasy) release.

  •  Scarlet, now an executive in Heat Inc. (after the 'aggressive' negotiations for her) is tasked with the preparations of Aerith and Jessie for transport to a Black Menagerie Club event. Scarlet, in either a rare instance of charity to her 'minions' or just outright hate for Aerith or Jessie, decided to let the guards have some fun before the transportation arrives. Afterall, who would know?

  •  So the idea behind this was for a voice actor to play Scarlet, speaking as if on a business call with her superiors. "Mmm, hmm. Of course. I have them right here. Hmm? 'Unspoiled'...? Of...of course they will be...." with the idea being that Scarlet, in her haste, screws up and gets punished again later. A prelude to more with Scarlet as well as one for Aerith and Jessie. Sadly, since the video has no sounds at all, I dropped the idea and here it is, 'as is'. Projects with them later are still a go, though, much much later.

  • A lot of my project ideas need voices, and finding the right ones has been an issue. Several major ideas that I really wanna do will require them, so those won't even be a mention til I have that already lined up. I'm sure some of you are tired or annoyed at the 'as is' releases. No more than I am. Going back to my roots was also something I wanted to do; Black Menagerie Clubs with Ramma'Jams. So those style are more on the horizon.

  • The Violet Parr animation is being rendered and will be ready by next Saturday. Another without sound, but it's not an 'as is' since it was this small broken loop I'd started, lost, found and now actually made into something. I think I was testing other fps styles. At any rate, you can sorta of consider it a "Biggest Fan #3", I suppose.

  • Lastly for this week; Sancus 2. Still being worked on, though I want a few voice lines...if I can find someone for them, awesome. If not, the end will be reworked a little to accommodate the lack thereof. Maybe I can splice voice lines from the games to work well enough.