018# | A Whole Week In Diapers [Update 2.2] (ChangeLog)

Good morning my babies!
Today I bring you the first update of the last chapter of "A Whole Week In Diapers"! I hope you like all these changes and let's start with the changelog.

What's new in this update?

The first thing is that I have created a new cover image for the third chapter, which you can see in the download post.

As for the game, I have been continuing with the story, you can continue with your safes or select chapter 3 at the start of the game if you want to go directly to the new content.

In this update we will appear in an office in the toy store, there we will be able to see several reports about what they are doing in the daycare where they transform people into babies.

In the reports you will find that there is a medicine that reverses the effects of turning into a baby and you will have to take it.

After this you will have to go to the police station and so that you don't get lost I have created a trail of dots that is very easy to follow.

Once you get there, you won't be able to do anything, I still have to continue with the story.
(End Spoilers)

I have also been working on creating the tilesets and scenes, such as the police station or the interior of the police station.

And this is all babys. I will continue with the story soon! Kisses!