

Today I come with a little riflession on piracy:

As all of you, or most of, probably know, my games are free and will always be;
I only give 15 days of early access to  "Uncommon"  (5$) and above tiers patrons / subscribers. Unfortunately I can't post public links of my games here, due to Patreon's rules, but I'm sure you know where to get them. ;D
Now, while I know how the internet works, and I can't do much about those site who are offering my games for free, but without permission,  it came to my attention, that some s**t are actually selling links for my, and a LOT of other's game; not only that, but, even worse, they're doing so while using patreon...
I've already tried to contact Patreon on the matter, and firstly they asked me to send a proper DMCA notice for the issue, but even after doing that, I just got ignored, which led me to the conclusion that they don't give a damn about protecting their own creators from those scammers.
So if you ever see a website (not a platform like patron, subscribestar, or itch.io) charging for my games, rest assured  that they don't have my permission, and you're being scammed.